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Israeli Plan to Shoot Down British Jet

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posted on Aug, 17 2003 @ 01:36 PM
Very interesting article that again shows more dirty stuff done by the Israeli goverment, and intelligence agencies, Mossad basicly, but anyway, what amazes me is the freedom of manipulation that they have, and how blind are some people to see this...

On Tuesday 12 August, British Airways announced that it would shortly be commencing twice-weekly flights between London, and Basra in southern Iraq. As many readers will already be aware, Basra Airport is one of the most dangerous anywhere in the world. Iraq is currently populated by furious Iraqi citizens packing almost unlimited numbers of shoulder-launched Strela, Gimlet, and Grouse missiles, with every one of those citizens understandably itching for a little payback against the American and British invaders of their country.
Adnan Chalabi, deputy leader of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad, made this startling request for British Airways to start operating suicide flights to Basra. Chalabi is a known asset of the Israeli Mossad, and is still a wanted criminal in Jordan, where he has been sentenced in absentia to 14 years imprisonment. Note very carefully that although Chalabi also invited a handful of local Arab airlines to participate in the Basra flights, no such request whatsoever was made of any American or Israeli airline.

Rest of the article:

posted on Aug, 17 2003 @ 03:23 PM
Funny that the SA-7 launcher tubes at Mombasa were BLUE..
I have seen and held at my hand various RUSSIAN MANPADS.. SA-7, SA-14 and SA-16.. the truht is that LIVE MISSILES are at GREEN OR KHAKI COLORED TUBES..
Im just asking.. WHATS WITH THE BLUE? In my opinion they MUST BE TRAINING ROUNDS.. so the even isnt missile in them.. and why is the THERMAL BATTERY OF THE LAUNCHER NOT ATTACHED AT THOSE PHOTOS?
There is not any sense in removing the after launch as they can only launch one missile and are disposed after that.. and the ACTUAL LAUNCHER with the pistol grip and shoulder piece.. it also fits only 2 SPECIFIC MISSILE TUBES.. after those are gone, it is too compleatly USELESS..

[Edited on 17-8-2003 by Uninen]

posted on Aug, 17 2003 @ 03:47 PM
Good observation, Uni, I know our training dummy grnades in the army were blue, as well as trainer claymores. However, not all trainers are blue, some trainer dummy missiles/ weapons are green, and the way to tell if they are live is the presence of a yellow square or stripe.

Interesting article, dont know the validity of the author, but it does bring up some points: israel's economy is ailing, as less travel and tourism to the "holy land" means less cash for them. They seem to be getting desperate.

Interesting they pick on the Brits too. They attacked Brit Military in a hotel back in the 20, or 30's, in an attempt to blame it on the Arabs. Zionists will be so fanaitical that they too will suicide bomb targets. With the possibility of more Israeli Presence in Iraq, it wouldnt surprise me if there came a new wave of bombings and attacks on us troops, more sophistacted ones, by "Arabs".

posted on Aug, 17 2003 @ 03:57 PM
That the BLUE LAUNCHER aint live one that is for sure..
And we too had some training weapon in green color.. 66mm LAW.. they had YELLOW stripe to indendify them as DUMMYS.. actually they were once LIVE but had been allready fired..

And Israelis have bad habbit of killing other people.. even their friends.. and SAY it was the Egyptians.. Like with that USN spy ship.. that thay attacked from air and sea.. with cannons, bombs and torpedoes.. even though they knew that it was USN ship.. was it in 1967..?

posted on Aug, 17 2003 @ 04:13 PM
On June 8, 1967, during the 6 day war, the USS Liberty was attacked for 75 minutes in international waters by Israeli aircraft and motor torpedo boats. Thirty-four men died and 172 were wounded.

posted on Aug, 17 2003 @ 08:20 PM
And the govornment never did a thing. The USS Liberty survivors were told to shut the hell up about the whole thing, and whisked away into oblivion. yet they still talk, and still demand an investigation into. The survivors, who all stated that the Israelis were shooting at people escaping on life rafts, the Israelis, who knew they were Americans because they were on the smae frequncy, the flag was flying on the ship, and people on board that they were shooting at were clearly not Egyptians. And the govornment did nothing, even though they almost greased Egypt.

The survivors simply get ignored. they still demand an investigation. No investigation, the offical story, and the gov sticks to it, is it was all a misundertanding and a horrible accident.

Accidenmt my ass, the Israelis knew damn well it was an American ship.

posted on Aug, 17 2003 @ 08:22 PM
BTW, Cold, nice avatar

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
And the govornment never did a thing. The USS Liberty survivors were told to shut the hell up about the whole thing, and whisked away into oblivion. yet they still talk, and still demand an investigation into. The survivors, who all stated that the Israelis were shooting at people escaping on life rafts, the Israelis, who knew they were Americans because they were on the smae frequncy, the flag was flying on the ship, and people on board that they were shooting at were clearly not Egyptians. And the govornment did nothing, even though they almost greased Egypt.

The survivors simply get ignored. they still demand an investigation. No investigation, the offical story, and the gov sticks to it, is it was all a misundertanding and a horrible accident.

Accidenmt my ass, the Israelis knew damn well it was an American ship.

Very well known story, i actually knew that story long time ago, but as u said, nobody moved a finger, because the responsable for the attack, is also responsable for control more than one country, and has more purposes than what the media tells us everyday...
Actually there has been a lot of problems between Israel and Egypt, wars, lies, taking over....

I am sure, that US, will say that for win the war against terrorism, Israel must survive (at that point i ask my self, if is not the palestinians who need to survive, from being occupied, murdered, and expulsed from their homes) till that very moments comes, they will not stop
the "blaming game", that�s who NWO works, media tells "half-truths" people talking about it are making it a real fact (at least for people that talks about it and believe the news), when it is obviosly planned.

I just can�t believe how people keeps on defending Israel�s policy about this, how unfair, how aggressive and how liars they are....

Anyway again, terrorist act, related with mossad, and Israel, strange isn�t it?

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 07:13 AM
As i was saying about the US gov:

�We know our victory in the war on terror depends on Israel's survival. We know Israel's survival depends on the willingness of free nations, especially our own, to stand by all endangered democracies in their time of need�
Tom Delay

Scary stuff, "The Lords of the World" are preparing for the last step, get ready.

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 07:15 AM
Well if its only a plan then the British govt have time to counter their plan which is no longer secret anymore.

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by drunk
Well if its only a plan then the British govt have time to counter their plan which is no longer secret anymore.

I wasn�t refering to the plan for shoot down the British Airways plane, i was refering to the NWO and their final steps...

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by CoLD aNGeR
Very interesting article that again shows more dirty stuff done by the Israeli goverment

You have a one-track mind CA, very much like Colonel and his "Repugnants". Just as I asked him to broaden his horizons, so I shall ask you. Get off your one-track anti-everythingjewish slant while on this site, or take it to another web domain. Try RumorMillNews.Net... they are on the same repulsive wavelength.

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