posted on Jul, 7 2005 @ 03:04 AM
China has officially announced that its overall military spending would amount to $29.9 billion, a low figure that many analysts have long believed
bears little relation to reality.
In 2004 the Pentagon noted that for 2003, overall Chinese military spending ranged between $50 and $70 billion. If we take the Pentagon’s estimate
as a baseline, then for 2004, which saw an "official" Chinese increase of 11.6 percent, spending might have risen from $55.8 to $78.1 billion,
Similarly modifying the announced Chinese 2005 budget increase of by 12.6 percent yield actual expenditures between $62.8 and $87.9 billion. Other
estimates have long held that Chinese military spending has reached or exceeded $100 billion.
What's your take on this ? What do you think is an accurate figure ?
Going by past experience, i would'nt believe the Chinese Government's official numbers.