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Black hole of doom!!!

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posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 02:46 AM
The "other side" of a black hole is a star? Ridiculous.
A Black is formed from a star to begin with, a star that grew so massive it collapses on itself!

Its three dimensional people, not a black dot on one side of a sheet of paper, and a big white star on the other.

When matter enters a black hole, it is stretched by gravity and super heated by acceleration.
As this occurs the matter is transformed into energy, matter is already energy, but at this point the "matter" is all pulled apart like water vapor is expanded water molecules..easy illustration there.
Slow moving wavelengths of energy continue to pour toward the center of gravity, continue to be super heated and stretched.

Eventually the energy is so hot, accelerated and so pulled apart that all that is left is an explosion of X-RAYS! As far as we can tell that is the only thing that can escape the black hole, because there is so much of this energy explosion action occuring....IN ALL THREE DIMENSIONS!

There is no one side or other side, there is only a center, and nothing survives descent toward this center, without being obliterated and heaved back out as x-rays in the explosions.

Eventually other matter is affected by these explosions, some of it deflected away from the event horizon, or collide with other massive bodies on their way to the event horizon, causing massive explosions of their own. Eventually around the blackhole, galaxies take shape, over hundreds of billions of years and after having affected countless stars, planets, chunks of ice, and all forms of space debris.

Will the earth be here in a Billion years? The human race will either be smashed by a rock, a chunk of ice, choke on its own poisons and superbacteria, or be melted by a gigantic solar flare.

Event Horizon is a good scary movie, although basically Hellraiser Cube: the space engine.
But bending space and humans surviving that experiment is highly unlikely.
The amount of energy you would need would have to be greater than any
star we have seen in the sky, and we've seen millions.
There are stars we've seen that could fit hundreds of our sun inside,
and space was not folded around these monsters.

For an experiment in black holes, do this:
Get an ice cube
go outside on a hot day
hold the ice cube in your hand
watch the water drip to the ground
watch it evaporate.
Did the water come out the other side of the earth?
No, its molecules spread apart so thin that it became invisible to you,
"exploding" away from the power of earths gravity!
Where did the water eventually go? Up somewhere in the sky
to eventually condense again, fall, evaporate and condense again.

Black holes work the same way on a time/space scale larger than you can model.

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by NWguy83

We don't understand space yet nor can we send ships to the deepest oceans on earth.

[edit on 10-7-2005 by one_small_step] Been there, done that years ago mate. A little research would help if you want people to take you seriousley

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 03:01 PM
Legalizer sure does seem like he knows what he is talking about.

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by The Block

Originally posted by NWguy83

We don't understand space yet nor can we send ships to the deepest oceans on earth.

[edit on 10-7-2005 by one_small_step] Been there, done that years ago mate. A little research would help if you want people to take you seriousley

Cool thanks for that link... didn't realize those depths had been achieved so long ago.. Perhaps I will research, what science is being done at those depths apart from, 'whose got the biggest set of b@lls' science.

posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by Maiden Mayhem
Legalizer sure does seem like he knows what he is talking about.

Yes he can quote a theory very well. That's the problem, everything we know about black holes is theory based on observation of what goes on in the space around them. Legalizer's post is very well written, and certainly plausible, but it's not proven fact, it's a theory.

This is not an attack on Legalizer at all, it was just the perfect example of a well articulate theory. Just wanted to remind everyone that we really don't know everything that's in play when it comes to black holes. You can find tons of info about them, but can any of it be proven beyond a reasonable doubt?

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