posted on Aug, 17 2003 @ 06:11 PM
Model number please?
In a nutshell:
* A NYC-based think tank has added all the bells and whistles to ATS as your playthings, and it has been shown that ATS will survive both external
threats such as power outages and internal threats such as hacking attempts
* the average intellect and post length and quality have declined moderately but there has been a very recent insurgence of quality change agents and
the return of missing VIPs
* A small band of revolutionaries stole the 'Take Back ATS' motto and killed it for good, detonating themselves in the process
* There were quiet murmurs and whispers about anticipated terror attacks that sent the board into panic, engaged the FBI in activities including
database copying and * !!!!! post editing !!!!! * and raised the bar on fear and paranoia to well above mainstream delusional levels, probably for the
long term
* a fleeting visit by GeneralDilemma, who flew out of his coop to whip the soft and indolent underbelly of ATS into shape, succeeded as a social
experiment in authoritarian resistance
* the withdrawal symptoms associated with enforced ATS cold turkey treatments have been shown to be very severe
* there is still an outside world where the vast majority of the earth's population want to be rid of the useless, deceitful, corrupt Bush
administration, and there is a small core of ATS members who continue to defend the incumbent 'president' in the corner over there, cowering behind
History is subjective, but I am an accurate observer and recorder, for I am MaskedAvatar.