posted on Jul, 3 2005 @ 09:32 PM
Our local Sound Advice is closing their doors.....They've got like 2 weeks left...
And several of my pals work there....sooooo.....
Taking advantage of their 40-60% off liquidation sales (*cough cough* and an extra employee discount 10% knocked off) I threw down and got myself a
65" Mitsubishi Diamond Series WS.....
Oh the videogaming, DVD watching joy my friends!!
Oh yeah....And it was only $1200.....It retails for up to $4500
I know I'm bragging here, but god damn
I love it.....It makes my old 27" flatscreen look like a tinkertoy....
Halo 2 is sooo sick on it too......*sighs*
I can't wait for the next wave of consoles man.....Bring 'em on!!