posted on Jul, 3 2005 @ 08:29 PM
-waves- Hey everyone. As you may have noticed, I am Sesmo.
I'm brand new to ATS and can't wait to get out in the forums and begin contributing to this great site. I have been lurking for a few days...and
after the second day or so couldn't resist filling out an application for membership.
I'm hoping to help those who need it as much as I possibly can, although I may hide in the shadows a bit at first. I'm also hoping to recieve
answers for my problems/questions, and I'm sure I will.
Nyeh...I guess that pretty much it. (By the way...I'm a male. People seem to not pick up on that sometimes.) So here I am...can't wait to get to
know everyone!
[edit on 7/3/2005 by Sesmo]