Excellent resource links for chemtrails...
What chemtrails are
Normally, if weather conditions are right, planes will leave a "contrail" of water vapor behind them which will dissipate in about 20
seconds. Reports of "Chemtrail" activity, however, describe heavy trails that are emitted from parts of plane other than the engines or main wing
What they contain
Chemtrail researchers such as Carnicom claim that chemtrails are composed of toxic metals (90% aluminum oxide as well as barium) and biological
In general, detrimental health effects to to alleged spraying seem to be as a result of a weakened immune system, and the inhalation of particulate
matter so small (10 microns) that it premeates the lung walls. Overall, the symptoms can be described as the flu without the fever. Next flu season
when people are complaining about the flu, check with them to see if they actually have a fever. Systems affected include the respiratory, muscular,
digestive and emotions.
Actual patents for chemtrails!!!!!!!
The key is the 3rd patent #4,791,076. This is for a special carbon fiber that is doped with the CHEMTRAIL elements (Titanium, Aluminum, Barium,
Magnesium, Calcium) (
carnicom.com... ). This type of fiber is used to make highly reflective mirrors/space dishes. If it is ground
into particulate, it can become airborne (lightweight). The USAF HAARP (High Altitude Active Aurora Research Project) creates "electronic" mirrors
in the atmosphere to beam signals worldwide (do a search on HAARP - lots of sites)
www.rense.com... ).
With this particulate carbon fiber spread in the upper atmosphere worldwide, HAARP can downlink its signals (lo energy or Hi energy) anywhere (Plasma
Weapons ??). Only problem is ... this "Highly Reflective" stuff causes global warming, droughts, severe weather, etc... (Update: India is currently
- Aug 23, 02 - experiencing RED RAIN containing the above mentioned CHEMTRAL elements
www.ufoindia.org... ) A lot of
knowledgeable scientists are saying HAARP is capable of generating hi energy signals in the quartz content of earth to generate manmade earthquakes.
Areas where spraying has been heavy have reported "Webbing" of the CHEMTRAIL as it descends to earth. Ionized chemicals (by the sun) in the carbon
fiber can cause this same effect.