posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 03:29 PM
This is the of the least 'hidden' of all the 'occult' arts, you can find books on it in any library or book store.
Various techniques are well described and you should look at them all and find which work for you. What you are seeking is a powerful thing, to live a
part of your life exactly as you wish it to be, and so it takes some effort to gain.
Some simple advice. Control what you think as you go to sleep, think about the sort of Dreams you wish to have. When you wake each, and every, day,
write down something about the Dream you just had.
Doing just those 2 things for a period of months will lead to clearer and more pleasant Dreams.
Here comes the tricky part. Just like in life your rational mind is not in total control. Part of your Dreams will always be influenced by who you are
as a person. So no matter how much we wish to have an internal HoloDeck to live out our fantasy life, what we need to learn about ourselves will
Do you still fear a thing? Then that thing might manifest in your Dreams.
So along the way to full power Lucid Dreaming I suggest you study yourself a bit, work out your problems, find your center, be happy, really happy.
[edit on 7/1/05 by Alexander Tau]