posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 05:21 PM
I live in the lovely United States of America. So that means two things: we use feet and fahrenheit.
Feet, yards, miles, inches - they're all really stupid units. 12 inches in a foot, three feet in a yard, 5280 feet in a mile. Why bother? The fact
that we still don't use the metric system boggles me. 10 centimeters to a decimeter, 10 decimeters to 1 meter, and so on and so forth. IT MAKES
SENSE! It's hard to switch, I know, because we're used to using our units. It's hard to judge and say "Oh, that's 4.5 meters." But all that
takes is practice. And, besides, in the metric system, not only would be make sense, but speed limits and penis legnths would sound bigger!
Don't even get me started on fahrenheit. A system based on the bodies temperature being divided into 96 pieces is just stupid. Not only is it
entirely random, but bu the body temperature for different people is normal anywhere between 96 and 100 degrees fahrenheit. Celsius! Makes tons more
sense. Water freezes at 0, boils at 100. Tons of sense.
Except for a few things. One is that celsius temperatures don't really work for a lot of chemistry. One is the ever popular "joke:" It's 0
degrees out today, and will be twice as warm tomorrow. How hot is that?
Zero is set at absolute zero. What could make more sense? Not only does it work, but you can answer the stupid question. Besides, there are
less letters in Kelvin than Degrees.
And so, I rant. Use the metric system. Use Kelvin. Thank you.