posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 10:40 AM
Originally posted by Quest
Regardless if the info in the original post is right or wrong, i have some advise for you meshuggah1324.
Never bother sharing classified info on ATS. It gets lost in the stories and fictions all over the sight, and hald the people who respond will only
claim you don't know what you are talking about...which is funny, because they don't know either.
ATS is entertainment, not a place to dump secrets.
People on ATS base thier view of conspiracy, government, military, and all sort of things on movies and stories.
Why do you think I quit doing my research online!
Well Said Quest! Allow me to point one thing out though: Most, but
NOT all of us walk in the door with preconcived ideas! I KNOW I'm Not
perfect and I will never clame to be. Like everyone else here, I have beliefs and oppinions, and a prespective of the world that has been shaped by my
experiences. Sometimes I'm right, sometimes I'm wrong! However, I try to be as open as I can, and keep my oppinions from clouding my judgement.
That said, Thank you for your effort to share with us! You raise some very intresting points that made me think about my own research into Black
Based on what I know about aircraft structure and material strength. I get the feeling that the combination of Mach Limit, and Q Limit (which you
mentioned), might limit the practical Max Speed of an Aircraft to around Mach 4. I know higher speed have been reported, but I not sure if they can be
sustained without damaging the airframe and engines!
My research on Groom Lake despelled many of the myths and popular beliefs abouth the base. What we found was nothing more then a highly classifed
research facility. Most of the wonderful stories, like the huge multistory undergound base are not even close to being true! Knowing how people react
to the truth, I opted not to press for our data to be made public. The problem is People love myths and roumors! The Same is ture of the Research on
the B-2. It Does NOT have Antigravity technolgy, and it Never did. The Airframe is electrically charged because RAM uses eletromagnetic interferencs
to work.
Sorry to say it, but most people don't want the truth, they want someone to prove their fictional world is real, even if it isn't!
Good Luck!