hello everyone
I hate to make a new topic and all; but im having a bit of trouble finding what im looking for. Thats why i came to ask all of you for help.
I am looking for a database or FTP or Website or Whatever....that is about 9-11 Conspiracy Documentaries
*other related conspiracy documentaries are good 2*
Can Anyone give me a link to find these?
I watched Alex Jones Marshall law and thought it was great; and i would love to watch more of this stuff
I have tried many many links in many 911 threads already and none of them work anymore *this is common*
Could someone make an FTP or something and put as much of this stuff on there as you can? I would love to see and and im sure plenty others here would
I have tried various P2P programs Also; and i found some things but i cannot get them to download this year
If you have a FTP up already , could you please U2U me the info?
Ive used the search function all morning looking for this stuff; ive searched google; ive searched P2P programs...
No Luck so far
Any help would be great; thanks agian.
***Also on a side note; if you know of any good UFO documentaries that are available to watch for free; please link me to those too lol even tho its
off subject***
Sorry about the rambling and sidelining; but these documentaries seem really interesting and id love to see the other work alex jones and others like
him have done so far
If this thread is useless or the Mods want it gone delete it or whatever
but if you do please U2U me with some info to help me find these documentarys on film to download and watch
Thanks a million
---please everyone, dont debate the conspriacy here; go to any one of the threads that are already in the middle of it
Lets make this thread for Links to Videos and stuff ONLY