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Prophet Yahweh, Electronic Mind Control and Public Deception

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posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 12:48 PM
This was taken from Dr. Michael Salla's yahoo group 'exopolitics.'

Aloha all, I thought I would share my latest thoughts on Prophet
Yahweh due to the high interest generated in him on the internet.
What made this case intriguing for me to start with is that Prophet
Yahweh has been able to successfully 'summon' UFOs on a number of
occasions. The ABC film footage and other privated footage show what
appears to be a luminous orb as opposed to a weather balloon.
So I don't buy the "confederate in the park releasing weather
balloon" explanation proposed by some to dismiss him as an outright
fraud. I think something more complex is happening here that
suggests deceit at a deeper level. The material Prophet Yahweh puts
out on his large internet list is so laden with racist, religious
themes that I've concluded that he's part of
a psychological operation by the mil-intel community and is heavily
influenced by electronic mind control. (his list of over 3400
members is at: )

The mind control is evident in terms of how he 'religiously'
follows the mysterious voice in his head that gets him to say and do
things which make him appear very unsteady and capricious. One day he
announces that the voice tells him that he shouldn't mix religion
and UFOs on his internet list. The next day he reverses this and
tells everyone on his list that the voice commands him to mix
religion and UFOs. Dr Jose Delgado was able to successfully
demonstrate the effectiveness of electronic mind control back in the
1960s so we can conclude that this has only become more
sophisticated over the last forty years (see ).

I've also come across an intriguing method to analyse speech
patterns in order to determine the truth of what a person is saying.
This is called 'reverse speech' and it is based on analysing
information released by the subconscious through reverse speech
patterns. A website on this form of speech analysis which was pioneered by David John Oates can be found at: . At least one individual, Peggy Kane,
has used reverse speech analysis on Prophet Yahweh and said she
found the following: "One very clear reversal says "They keep
screwing with my head." another reversal is "They tie a wire to your
heart." (see )

So reverse speech analysis on Prophet Yahweh suggests mind control
is happening. That would
explain the 'summoning' successes he has had since a psyop would
arrange for something to appear once he has been mentally prompted
by the voice in the head which is probably electronically induced.
While there is a possibility that there is a non-human agency
involved in this mind control, it is more likely a mil-intel
operation due to the high degree of manipulation evident in Prophet
Yahweh's inconsistencies and racist religious rhetoric. However, at
this stage I can't exclude the possibility of a combination of both
sources due to the high degree of cooperation between some mil-intel
agencies and some ET groups.

The efforts to sabotage Prophet Yahweh and his media filmings is
probably part of the psyop as well since it paradoxically gives him
more legitimacy among those familiar with the UFO coverup.
Alternatively, it may reflect different branches of the mil-intel
community acting at cross purposes due to the highly
compartmentalized nature of the UFO/ET management system.

What is the purpose of the psy-op involving Prophet Yahweh? There
are probably a few goals. Discredit the UFO phenomenon as something
studied by lunatics. Use divisive religious and racist themes to
create heated debates by Ufologists. Create anger and frustration
around UFOs sightings so that this might be conflated with actual ET
visitation, and thus legitimate a continued national security
response to the ETs. There may also be a non-human agency working
here to promote discord using racism and religion.

All of this of course coincides with the 'War of the Worlds' which
is probably a clue that
we are all being manipulated here. So my conclusion is that we need
to be aware that there are a number of agendas working through
Prophet Yahweh's 'summoning'. There is certainly a deep deception
occuring here which is not very helpful to the ultimate goal of
transparency and accountability in government relations with

In peace

Michael Salla, PhD

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 01:38 PM

So reverse speech analysis on Prophet Yahweh suggests mind control
is happening. That would
explain the 'summoning' successes he has had since a psyop would
arrange for something to appear once he has been mentally prompted
by the voice in the head which is probably electronically induced.

How does this explain the fact that I can still see the ufo appear on the video tape without hearing the words being spoken by PY? The frist time I saw it I had no volume, therefore could not be subject to audible mind control, yet I still saw something...

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 01:42 PM
May be something to it, that this Prophet Yahweh thing is deeper than any ordinary hoax(if it is a hoax).
But that reverse speech sounds kinda suspicous(well, random, inconclusive), so I don't where to stand on that. Only briefly read up on it though.

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 01:45 PM
now there is a new twist. I like this angle..It seems to have different possibilities here, mind control, ufo, religion, racism, & psy-ops. The deeper implications make one think, 'who feels so threatened that they need a diversion?'

I would be curious to see how this theory plays out. Maybe a Phil Schnider style suicide is in PY's near future. Or worse yet, PY malfunctions and goes on a killing spree. I hope he isn't angling for a cult/religion type of thing, because he is just not charismatic enough to pull it off.

Perhaps he will just wind up with a primetime variety show starring the Profit Yahwey adult contemporary new age dancers.
I am mostly convinced his cheese slid off his cracker.

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by mpeake

So reverse speech analysis on Prophet Yahweh suggests mind control
is happening. That would
explain the 'summoning' successes he has had since a psyop would
arrange for something to appear once he has been mentally prompted
by the voice in the head which is probably electronically induced.

How does this explain the fact that I can still see the ufo appear on the video tape without hearing the words being spoken by PY? The frist time I saw it I had no volume, therefore could not be subject to audible mind control, yet I still saw something...

mpeake,he's under mind control,not you
.The article says that PY hears stuff in his head,not the people looking at the videos.

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 05:06 PM
I'm really buying this speech pattern stuff. In all of his downloadable teachings in the mp3 format he advises his group members to turn up the volume loud ("to hear the strength in his words")and just listen without being distracted by anything else. Tell me that is not a little suspicious?

Great post.

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 05:34 PM
Think this guy might be getting his ideas from ATS

I did reverse speech on PY back on June 2

Here's some links.

See if you can figure out what they say.

It's discussed here.

And of course this one.

[edit on 29-6-2005 by Lanotom]

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by Lanotom
Think this guy might be getting his ideas from ATS

I did reverse speech on PY back on June 2

Here's some links.

See if you can figure out what they say.

It's discussed here.

And of course this one.

[edit on 29-6-2005 by Lanotom]

Maybe, or other people have also thought of doing reverse speech. Dr. Salla's the author of Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence. His website is pretty interesting too:

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 02:27 AM
Sounds like you're tripping. The so called Prophet just looks like your average schizo bum to me. How exactly he is faking it, I don't know, but he just sounds like he is a little crazy, not part of some kind of grand conspiracy.

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