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Whitley Strieber's experience

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posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 10:31 PM
I checked the archives, there are no threads about Whitley Strieber or his alien experiences. I'd really like to know if he's on the level. I have read his books and been to his website. If he is the real deal, that would be incredible. I know his story goes back many years and he documented it all, but I want to hear some opinions on the guy. Gracias

posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 10:48 PM
I to have read all of Whitley's writting, including the books that are not about ALiens........he is a pretty decent writer IMO.

I read Bud Hopkins, John Mack, Jacques Vallee, heck anything I can get my hands on abduction wise or UFO related.

I can't speak for Mr Strieber's validity, I only know how I personally feel about the whole phenomenon. I DO think it IS happening..........I have freinds with weird scars and vivid recollections. I have SEEN odd flying things that gave me the heebiejeebies

I cant think of any reason that what Mr Steiber claims is false in any way, beyond the telling of TALL tales. I do not think all this IS a tall tale though.

........................just sayin

[edit on 28-6-2005 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 10:48 PM
He was already a novelist who wrote best-seller fiction in the first person with himself as a character. Read his book "The Day After Tomorrow", and you will have a better appreciation for how capable he is at putting himself into a fictional story.

posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 11:01 PM
Yes, that was my first reaction when I came across Communion. It took me a while to remember where I knew his name from, but then the light hit. "Ah, yes, the horror/ science fiction writer, what a coincidence!"
The more he puts out and the stranger it gets, the more I wonder how real it is.

Not that an imaginitive writer can't have these type experiences. The odds would tend to favor it sooner or later. But it definitely is something to take into account in Mr. Streiber's case.

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 06:41 AM
shadow watcher

Streiber was completely honest about his alien encounters "to his perception" as he wrote Communion. That means that if you had the exact same experiences he did, you would write honestly in your own perception, style and ability and it would come out differently from his.

The fact that Streiber is such a writer means that he could TELL it for others to grip onto, and he knew how to market it to get it out for others to hear.

I know he was being completely honest because of my own experiences with alien races, including the races he encountered. And also because of my conversations with my alien contacts about Streiber's encounters.

What you see of Streiber now though, is not the intentions he originally came out with. But that is not his fault. No popular powerful leader in the UFO field is left free to speak on his own. They are all pressured to comply sufficiently with the govt agenda of concealment and control of information.

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 07:47 AM
Earth Sister: What you see of Streiber now though, is not the intentions he originally came out with. But that is not his fault. No popular powerful leader in the UFO field is left free to speak on his own. They are all pressured to comply sufficiently with the govt agenda of concealment and control of information.

Do you think he has been gagged to some extent about his experience?
I hope he would put it all out there and hope that full disclosure would keep him safe.

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by shadow watcher

Do you think he has been gagged to some extent about his experience?
I hope he would put it all out there and hope that full disclosure would keep him safe.

shadow watcher

Yes, I am sure Streiber has been gagged, but worse. He is not totally honest anymore because he can't be, he's not allowed to. He does not even have a choice about it. He keeps putting information out but it's not all true. He keeps attention away from the truth instead. He is closer to the govt and works for them now, instead of the aliens. Because of this, is position with the alien races is not now what it was when he first began reporting his alien experiences to the world.

There are many intricate, manipulative ways for a team of professionals to force or coheres or seduce or buy a person into a certain way of thinking, behaving and reporting about the "mysterious" subjects of our visiting races. It is very easy to just make them shut up with a threat, but these key dynamic figures like Streiber are much more valuable for use in distributing public disinformation, designed to keep people thoroughly confused and unbelieving of the truth, and to destroy the reputations of the alien races and the humans who work with them "in the collective public mind."

All leaders (popular, knowledgeable figures) in the alien and ufo and crop circle fields whose information may be a threat to national security, are directly affected with govt control. The results are that as more people begin to discover that the alien races are real and visiting earth after all, they will only believe untrue things about them. And as the people begin to realize that our govts have lied to their people all these years, they will only believe that it was for good reasons of protection of all of humanity from evil aliens, instead of the criminal truth about the whole mega govt conspiracy on Earth. The ultimate goal of the disinformation against other life is to keep good relationships and trust from forming between human civilians and our visiting alien races of people.

The popular figures in the field who spread horrible and otherwise untrue, mystical magical stories are not bothered by govt at all, and some of them work directly for govt from the get go.

This is a terrible deathly predicament our world leadership is holding humanity in, and we have to take it down. The People should have true information so that they can help decide what to make of the other races. Any benefits to quality of life on Earth that can come from allying with them should be completely distributed for the benefit of the security and survival of all of humanity.

Something is wrong here, and it's the thing that has always been wrong with the way we run our modern world.

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by EarthSister
He is not totally honest anymore because he can't be, he's not allowed to. He does not even have a choice about it. He keeps putting information out but it's not all true. He keeps attention away from the truth instead. He is closer to the govt and works for them now, instead of the aliens. Because of this, is position with the alien races is not now what it was when he first began reporting his alien experiences to the world.

I'm sorry, but you know this exactly how? I'm sure Whitley would be very interested in seeing someone state rather unequivocally that he works for the government to suppress or act as a disinformation "agent".

So, please enlighten me how it is you know so well that Strieber is working for the govt???

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 03:42 PM

I'm sorry too, but I can't make you see what I see just by describing it, or prove my knowledge and opinion just by stating them. What I said is both from what I am taught about by alien life, and from my personal experience with how the govt controls information through popular individuals.

Alien contactees like Whitley are conned and manipulated to comply with govt. They don't just change their opinions or stories willingly, but in a little time, under steady pressure and attention from the big, new "important friends" that they win due to their personal connections to other life, they comply. It could happen to anybody, I don't blame the contactees.

To be a human who has comprehensive alien contact and tries to share the information with others, is a kind of sentence. The aliens don't make it a sentence, the govt does. Whenever the aliens accomplish good, progressive contact with a human, the facts of it put that human in a serious position with the govt who does not want the information shared.

Whitley used to be honest for all the right reasons. Now he is no longer honest. I am not saying he is a govt agent- I am saying he and his information is affected and controlled by govt agents, and now his work serves the govt's conspiracy against the aliens, and does not serve the alien races or humanity, or the diplomatic relationship between our worlds.

If you do not agree, that's okay. Just watch and see what happens as more and more things unfold, so you can know for yourself what is what.

[edit on 7/1/2005 by EarthSister]

posted on Jul, 7 2005 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister
I am not saying he is a govt agent- I am saying he and his information is affected and controlled by govt agents, and now his work serves the govt's conspiracy against the aliens, and does not serve the alien races or humanity, or the diplomatic relationship between our worlds.
[edit on 7/1/2005 by EarthSister]

Oh excuse me??
"He is closer to the govt and works for them now, instead of the aliens."

You can say that you dont imply he's an agent? Please.

You can believe whatever you wish, but stating something like this, as fact, is wrong when you have nothing to back it up with.

posted on Jul, 7 2005 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by eaglewingz
Yes, that was my first reaction when I came across Communion. It took me a while to remember where I knew his name from, but then the light hit. "Ah, yes, the horror/ science fiction writer, what a coincidence!"
The more he puts out and the stranger it gets, the more I wonder how real it is.

Not that an imaginitive writer can't have these type experiences. The odds would tend to favor it sooner or later. But it definitely is something to take into account in Mr. Streiber's case.

Your right about this, I personal think that this guy might be a disinfo agent or something like that.

posted on Jul, 7 2005 @ 02:59 PM
Whitley Strieber's work is fascinating and at the same time, sobering. He obviously has had many unusual experiences and doesn't claim to have answers for anything that happened to him.

As he says, the subject seems to sprout more and more questions, and that's whats magical about the whole thing.

His website is cool, but I'm not going to put any money towards a subscription anytime soon.

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 12:53 PM
I Netflixed some random UFO documentary dealing with abductions a while ago. It featured Whitley for a good portion of the run time, discussing his experiences. I can't say whether or not he's for real as I obviously have no idea, but I liked the way he presented himself. He was talking about the human mind and how they played into his experiences. He had a very analytical approach and properly seperated fact from opinion. When the interviewer would ask a question about something, such as, "Do you think that ??? is ???", Whitley would reply, "We don't know, we're only accepting things as fact with proof."

I'm paraphrasing the aforementioned statements, and I'm sure I butchered the quotes, but you get the point.

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 01:17 PM
Alien Abductions or Sleep Paralysis?

Really, Streiber is to the night abduction phenom what Tolkien is to Elves.

It's a pervasive mythos, but it's overwhelmingly explainable. When it happens to you (alot) you'll understand. Unless you happen to be a paranoid schizophrenic.

I certainly don't discount the possiblity of close encounters, but the ones that take place while sleeping are highly suspect.

That doesn't make Streiber or anyone else that truly believes it's real a liar. But the prevalent night abduction setting does not make for credible "witnesses" IMO.

posted on Jul, 10 2005 @ 08:37 AM
I visited his web site again last night, and found that he has a radio show.
It is similar to the others out there, it allows you to listen online for free as well. After reading his stuff and listening to his show, Im still torn about his intentions. If he is legit, he should be more mainstream getting word out. I wonder if his visitations have completely stopped, or is he still in contact with his aliens.

posted on Jul, 10 2005 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by RANT
Alien Abductions or Sleep Paralysis?

Really, Streiber is to the night abduction phenom what Tolkien is to Elves.

It's a pervasive mythos, but it's overwhelmingly explainable. When it happens to you (alot) you'll understand. Unless you happen to be a paranoid schizophrenic.

I certainly don't discount the possiblity of close encounters, but the ones that take place while sleeping are highly suspect.

That doesn't make Streiber or anyone else that truly believes it's real a liar. But the prevalent night abduction setting does not make for credible "witnesses" IMO.

Well said! For the record, I know someone who knows him VERY slightly (she worked for a relative of his) and said that Whitley seems to believe his own stories. She also described him as a bit unusual but not alarmingly and obviously mentally ill.

We've all had strange dreams, and someone who's thnking and writing about aliens is bound to have dreams of aliens. I dream some awfully silly stuff ... and once had a type of dream much like the alien ones he described where my cat sat up and spoke in English to me, talking about something that I had been helping the kids with (homework.)

However, my cat certainly doesn't speak educated English and really doesn't know much about the history of Spain.

...and furthermore, she got the facts ALL wrong! Spain didn't send Columbus to Egypt.

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