Originally posted by whaaa
I feel that almost any solid object can be "charged" with positive or negative energy.
Agreed, anything can be charged, by you for your use, anything.
Stones are no greater in their effect than a paper talisman.
Its the care and focus you put into the work that will return to you.
Originally posted by whaaa
The rituals used to "charge" the object can be voodoo, wiccan,etc. or just some ritual you make up.
Agreed, anything that you feel strongly about, knowledgable about, confident about, will do the job.
I used to make Talismans out of masking tape, rolling talisman after talisman into huge softball sized spheres, while I was at work, nobody knew, no
chants or rituals, just intent and time to design my little symbols. When I was ready I would toss the ball out into the yard to release the "spell"
onto the world.
Originally posted by whaaa
However care should be taken when invoking some higher power in your ritual. Evil masquerades as positive energy and can distort your good
intentions. I think this type of mysticm is better left alone.
Disagree. There is no evil anywhere. There is simple balance or inbalance.
Self-esteem and self love, is balanced when it results in caring and nurturing others.
It is imbalanced when it becomes selfishness and arrogance based on attacking others for their percieved weaknesses and flaws. Lots of examples like
One benefit of "caring" for stones, is that they don't die on you like a pet does.
You can take them places, and if you think about it, you are giving those atoms and
molecules an "experience" unique to being in your company. Think about it, the stone
has existed for millions of years, but if you didn't take it on vacation with you
it could never have made it to that place you are at on its own.
Also remember that books and advice are the words and interpretation of others.
Don't follow them blindly, take them as ultimate truths.
Find your own way, concentrate on the goals you want to achieve through
external objects, and you will achieve those goals regardless of the materials you possess.