posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 11:02 AM
To save you the trouble of wading through thousands of sites on the subject, here's a simple one.
Use a shift cypher, meaning you just shift the letters of the coded message a fixed number of places against the original, or decoded, text.
Example, a shift of three places to the right:
The word "help" would become "LHOS". You could work out a system with the person you're sending the message to so they'll know the key. Try
using the day of the month, and assign Right to Odd Numbered days and Left to Even numbered days. Today, June 28 would be a Left Shift of 28
Be warned, this cypher is very easy for any novice cryptologist to crack, but unless you are significantly concerned about someone monitoring your
communications and have reason to believe they will intercept them, it should be fine for you.
[edit on 28-6-2005 by el_topo]