posted on Aug, 14 2003 @ 01:16 PM
This is so typical, the thanks of a grateful nation.
We send our boys and girls over to some sunscorched hell under most suspicious circumstances to fiight a most unscrupulous war, put thier asses on the
line, tell them to kill anything that walks, including each other, expose them to chemicals and use them as guinna pigs, let them take the wrath of
the iraqi people and gurrillas, then tell them they dont get to go home and have a beer for another year, now we cut thier pay?
By the way, when they do return home, they are going to have one hell of a time finding a job, they are not going to recieve any deprogramming or
adjustment to civilian life, they will probably have amny illnesses that they cant afford to treat and the govornment will deny...,
This is how America repays those who risked thier lives for it. Juyst like korea, Vietnam, the second gulf war, and everything in between. And
Americans wonder why thier streets are littlered with homeless, drugged out unemployed drunken veterans who are mained, mutilated, and scarred
mentally and emotionally from the conflicts they get thrown into?
My case is mild, Im simply an unemployed vet with unexplained illnesses from my time in the military. I still have both arms, legs, and have not
fallen into utter despair. These kids wont be as lucky. They will come nothing. And will get paid nothing.
And congress all the while is talking about expanding the troop numbers? With what, a draft?
Only when congress and the prez, and everyone else in the govornment also takes a paycut of 50% will I say, ok, go ahead and cut the troops pay too.