posted on Aug, 14 2003 @ 01:15 AM
If we translate John 1:1 directly it says: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word". But in all translated
bibles written in the spirit of the Catholic Church it says: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God". Does
anyone see the difference? And does anyone have the intelligence to sort out what false doctrine is the base of such difference?
While the original Greek says "God was the Word", the translations all say "the Word was God". The difference may seem marginal, but the truth is
much deeper. For while the Church says that the Word is God, the Word itself says that God was the Word in the beginning. See?
First the Father was the Word. Then the Word went out of the Father, it materialised itself as Light which is Truth, and his Son became that Word as
the Image of God. It is illegal to worship the Image of God, no matter how true or good it is. Every Jew with respect for himself knows that it was a
sin when the contemporaries of Enosh started worshipping the Name of God.
Then God creates a living being in this Image and gives him the power to rule on Earth. First God shows us the Truth and his Image in Jesus. Then he
creates the Prince of Peace as a son of Jesus, just like Man was created in the Image of God, and the Image of God is Jesus.
God is Love. Jesus is the Light which is Truth. And the result of this Truth is the Prince of Peace, the Millennium King who will inherit everything
Jesus inherited from God, and the Father will have his Sabbath, Jesus will rule as God in power of being the Highest Priest in Heaven during this
Sabbath, and the Prince of Peace will rule on Earth with what can be interpreted as a branch of Iron and further interpreted into meaning a force of
machines and robots.
The first will be the last and the last will be the first. God is the First and the Last. The Father and the Son. And the Son is Jesus. But they
don't rule at the same time. And the Prince of Peace fulfills the Will of the Alfa and the Omega, for they all want the same thing, they are one in
Spirit and Will. But only one of them is the Father at any given time. Towards the end, the Son becomes the Father so the old Father can do what Grand
Fathers do, to Rest on the Seventh Day, the Priest can Fulfill the Plan of the Father through his Son and his Wife. For when God gave Moses the ten
commanments, the adultary of the people God had told him about before he went down from the mountain made Moses destroy the first set of stone
tablets. These stone tablets were hewn by God and is an image of how the Word came from God and was destroyed by the judges. God then asks Moses to
make two new tablets himself and God writes the exact same Word uppon this set of stones and ever since they have been in the winged Ark. Where they
hopefully will stay for ever and ever. Since Jesus is the Image of God he is self begotten and we are all God's children in him. And the best among
us, about whom Jesus will say: "This is my son, him who has found Mercy!" (if he hasn't said it already that is.....).