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Why did satan introduce the sex craze in the 90's and not earlier?

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posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 12:10 PM
If satan has so much arsenals and wants people to sin, then why was the sex craze and pervertedness introduced in the 90's while in the 80's and before sex wasn't all that important. Relationships were old fashioned, kissing, hugging, holding hands. Then in the 90's it was all about sex. Mind control was well alive in the 70's-80's yet the sex craze wasn't installed yet? Why did satan wait so long to introduce the sex craze? What's the story?

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 12:14 PM
The "sex Craze" has been around since the begining of the times... egyptians, Romanas, Sumerians, Pagans ... they all had their sex cults and crazes... and it obviuolsy didnt stop there ... look at the 20's the 60's 70's... "the Sex craze" is not a novalty

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 12:44 PM
These sex crazes seem to happen at the begining of every decade or near the end of it. I do remember the early 90's sex craze. I believe it's a North American thing (Canada/United States/Mexico). The media will dwell on it, and go to lets say...Japan and only highlight those things dealing with Sex, to make Japan look like they are in a sex craze also.

Is Lucifer behind it? He is indeed behind it! Early 1990's saw the most Abortions in the United States ever! The most cases of newly reported HIV infections! Lucifer may introduce us to it, and the UNholy Spirit may encourage people to partake in sexual activities they wouldn't normally do and to be irresponsible and have unprotected sex leading to disease and Abortion. But it's up to us to reject Satan and Irresponsiblity (atleast reject the notion of unprotected sex). We do have free-will from Satan, we do not have to listen to him or the UNholy spirit.

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by DMK25
What's the story?

sex in history

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Godzilla1985
Is Lucifer behind it? He is indeed behind it! Early 1990's saw the most Abortions in the United States ever! The most cases of newly reported HIV infections! Lucifer may introduce us to it, and the UNholy Spirit may encourage people to partake in sexual activities they wouldn't normally do and to be irresponsible and have unprotected sex leading to disease and Abortion. But it's up to us to reject Satan and Irresponsiblity (atleast reject the notion of unprotected sex). We do have free-will from Satan, we do not have to listen to him or the UNholy spirit.

In the movie "The Devils Advocate", where Al Pacino plays the Devil, he made a statement that i really agree with...

The Devil (Paccino) said : " I only set up the stage, its up to man to play it or not"

i tottaly agrre with this .. The Devil only sets the stage...its up to us to use our free will to "play or Not ".

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 08:40 AM
The sex craze has been around a long just changes form to appeal to another ignorant generation.
History is such a poorly taught dicipline today that most of our younger peoples have so little of a yardstick by which to measure or gauge the events on a daily basis.
If you know any history at all you can see this sex dogma changing form from culture to culture in history going back thousands of years.
One form from the Bible is the Groves and high places...not told to the people of God the olde testament but practiced by the pagans. These were the bunny clubs of the day. The priests would have their virgins on certain holidays. A sacrafice. They would do similar worship in the valleys at night to the moon gods. The sun and the moon. This is not taught to most peoples today ..for good reason would eventually make the association with events happening around you if you are any kind of thinker at all. These doings in some cultures would make Hugh Hefner and others look like kindergarden kids.
You just have to understand that "Hollywood " uses a continuation of this type of seduction to introduce a new generation of uninformed into the fold and to increase market share at the same time. Hollywood and others must wax worse and worse or loose market share to the competition. Same with the music industry. This became obvious with Madonna years ago...when it became fashionable for the purpose of marketing ..though it has always been around before her. Of course now Madonna is religious...right????? Riiiiiiiigggggghhhhhhhttttt!!!!!! What is her religion and what are its origins???????? Think this one through carefully!!
The key to this understanding ..that no where in the Bible does it ever..olde to new testament ...instruct believers to ever define themselves by thier sexuality ...ever. This is never never never done. Only pagans carry on such. I am not saying that people dont have sex...or sexuality..I am saying that people dont define who and what they are by their sexuality. This is key to understanding the nature of many institutions based on the difference betweent the two belief systems. Particularly marketing of merchandize..including politics. People who live for today ...and the trappings of today ..are easily merchandized and highly emotional..and can easily be put on a emotional string around certain issues raised in the merchandize/political arena. You can easily control what lever they will pull in a voting booth if you keep them emotional and unthinking. Particulary emotional.

A without muse thinking without thinking amuse amusement.

Sex sexuality...emotional .unthinking amusement...

See the connection. Perfect combination for cannon fodder or puppets on a string. Always has been, always will be. Unless you learn or teach yourself differently.
This is not a new phenomonon. It is merely more insidious in the manner in which it is used in the media and education to cultivate another controlable, predicatble generation.
This is a good thread for thinking peoples..the issue is just not new..but very ancient and being recycled from time to time.


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