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LA Times Tries Wikitorial Experiment

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posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 11:53 AM
The Los Angeles Times newspaper recently tried a new experiment called 'wikitorial' where Internet users would be able edit, add to, and reorganize editorial content from the newspaper. While the experiment showed some early success, it was quickly overtaken by inappropriate posts including pornograpy and the site had to be pulled:

LOS ANGELES - A bold Los Angeles Times experiment in letting readers rewrite the paper’s editorials lasted all of three days.

The newspaper suspended its “Wikitorial” Web feature after some users flooded the site over the weekend with foul language and pornographic photos.

The paper had posted on its Web site Friday an editorial urging a better-defined plan to withdraw troops from Iraq. Readers were invited to add their thoughts. Dozens did, with some adding hyperlinks and others adding opposing views.

One reader split the long editorial in two, something that pleased Michael Kinsley, the Times’ editorial and opinion editor.

But the number of “inappropriate” posts soon began to overwhelm the editors’ ability to monitor the site. On Sunday, editors decided to remove the feature.

“Wikis,” based on the Hawaiian word “wiki wiki” for “quick,” are online communities that encourage users to collectively write and edit articles, and even override and delete other contributors’ work. The end product can be thought of as a community’s shared knowledge.

Source: MSNBC

I think this was a great idea, it's a shame that it was ruined by people who misused it.

Hopefully they'll come up with a better way to filter out undesirable posts and posters and be able to try it again.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 11:58 AM
Djohn, i love your avatar. With so many crazies on the Internet, frankly, i could have foretold a flop.


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