posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 11:09 AM
We often talk about US bases and whats at them. However, one of the most importate parts of the defense network are the Command Centers that tie the
network together. It is from these locations the the military and civilan leaders that make up the National Command Athourity can run the military in
times of need.
I want help in putting together a list of all the command centers across the USA. I will start the list with a few of the known ones:
Pentagon: This is the most well known defense command center in the US (and maybe the whole world). Located in Arlington, near DC. The
Pentagon is the Central headquaters for the US Department of Defense.
Cheyenne Mountain: This underground command center is home to the Joint (USA/Canada) North American Aerospace Defense Command Center. From here
all air and space defenses for North America are overseen by a joint team.
US Strategic Command- Global Operations Center: This underground command center at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, is seen as the nerve center
for all US Strategic Forces, and the primary command and control center for the US Nuclear Arsenel.
This is Just a starting point. If anyone knows about other US military command centers, please add onto this list.