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New Info on Roswell

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posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 11:37 PM
Major New Book on Roswell UFO Published Today.

Check out This Link that tells of new info that has recently come out regarding the "crash" at Rowell. Some rather disturbing stuff, if true. Here's a sample of what is being reported by the author: his new book “Body Snatchers in the Desert: The Horrible Truth at the Heart of the Roswell Story” and through never-before-revealed testimony from military whistleblowers, eyewitness intelligence reports, and an astonishing body of corroborative evidence, Phenomena’s Co-Editor Nick Redfern lays out a controversial new theory on the Roswell mystery: that the crash-site discovery of prototype military aircraft would expose a damning secret – a highly confidential, US Government-sanctioned program to conduct medical experiments on deformed, disfigured and diseased Japanese people and prisoners of war, exploited as expendable by their captors.

EDIT: By the way, the author Nick Redfern will be the guest on C2C tonight if anyone is interested.

[edit on 21-6-2005 by RR]

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 11:42 PM

We were fortunate to be granted an exclusive (yes a scoop!) pre-publication interview with Nick and it is an exhaustive, thorough, long and very detailed run through, with additional pieces of information not found in the book.

Issue 11 can be found at Please select either of the two buttons at the top left hand side of the site, depending on whether you want it in a PDF file (approx 1.5kb) or a Word doc (just under 1KB). Because of expected heavy demand, I would ask that you consider right clicking and saving to your hard disc as well.

More info on this

]]fixed url[[

[edit on 21/6/2005 by Seth76]

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 11:55 PM
Wow, that reminded me of an episode of the X-files for a second.

I am having a hard time how a human (of any nationality) could be physically changed to look like that without the utilization of genetic manipulation.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 01:12 AM
Wow a 'new' book. I wonder if it means new info or 'newly compiled old info' in a book?

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 01:20 AM
So the Roswell crash and Alien bodies are now a secret government test and the bodies were actually deformed Japanese people that were experiments by Nazi's on POWs?

I can't see this being anything more than half truths and conjecture.
If he references the Roswell Autopsy for supporting his idea then i'd expect this guy to be a fraud and adding to the disinfo surrounding the Governments involvement in Alien knowledge.

It's amazing that the Brazilian government in one part of the world can be admitting to Alien life and contact and opening up the doors to share info, yet in America we're getting the 100th story for Roswell which goes out of its way to deny any Alien involvement yet again while all along, the Alien story still holds up no matter what is thrown at it.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 01:46 AM

Originally posted by TheShroudOfMemphis

So the Roswell crash and Alien bodies are now a secret government test and the bodies were actually deformed Japanese people that were experiments by Nazi's on POWs?

I can't see this being anything more than half truths and conjecture.
If he references the Roswell Autopsy for supporting his idea then i'd expect this guy to be a fraud and adding to the disinfo surrounding the Governments involvement in Alien knowledge.

It's amazing that the Brazilian government in one part of the world can be admitting to Alien life and contact and opening up the doors to share info, yet in America we're getting the 100th story for Roswell which goes out of its way to deny any Alien involvement yet again while all along, the Alien story still holds up no matter what is thrown at it.

i completely agree with ya there

in my humble opinion this guys book is trash...

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 02:44 AM
For some reason the name Redfern sets off alarms in my head, wish I could remember why.

This idea is just disgusting, and as an American I am insulted that anyone would even suggest we would do such things. I know we are not perfect, maybe even less so today, but this is beyond the pale.


posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 03:29 AM

Originally posted by Alexander Tau
For some reason the name Redfern sets off alarms in my head, wish I could remember why.

This idea is just disgusting, and as an American I am insulted that anyone would even suggest we would do such things. I know we are not perfect, maybe even less so today, but this is beyond the pale.


The CIA continued nazi experiments on monks after the war,using drugs and implants.

From 1937 to 1945, a japanese army unit,called unit 731,performed experiences on chinese victims. They used biological weapons on them and cut up prisonners while they were still alive.

Well guess how this was kept secret until 2001/2002? The CIA asked the results of the experiences of the japanese,and in exchange they covered up the whole thing.

[edit on 22-6-2005 by DarkSide]

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by iori_komei
Wow, that reminded me of an episode of the X-files for a second.

I agrre with you. This thread reminds me of the X-Files too...

Anasazi (season 2x25)
The Blessing Way (season3x1)
Paper Clip (season3x2)

But then again, isn't ATS the net version of The X-Files...?

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 08:03 AM
Nick Redfern is probably raising some red flags due to his connection with crop circles, stone circles, etc., such as this article of his:

He isn't known as a Roswell specialist, or even UFO researcher, but as a paranormal investigator in general. So yes, it is kind of odd that he comes up with this idea (which has some SERIOUS flaws) seemingly out of the blue....

At first, I thought this was going to be about those lads who claim they went to one of the crash sites and actually found something.... I believe their book is due out soon, would have to search for the thread here on it...

I'll still pick up the book though, but I'd put it in the "out there" category....

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 08:49 AM
Well, out of all of the non-UFO theories I've heard about Roswell, this one sounds to me as the most plausible--moreso than Mogul at least. At least there's more reason for a coverup with something like this than a weather balloon.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 09:49 AM

It's amazing that the Brazilian government in one part of the world can be admitting to Alien life and contact and opening up the doors to share info, yet in America we're getting the 100th story for Roswell which goes out of its way to deny any Alien involvement yet again while all along, the Alien story still holds up no matter what is thrown at it.

They never admitted alien life...or have I missed something?

At first, I thought this was going to be about those lads who claim they went to one of the crash sites and actually found something.... I believe their book is due out soon, would have to search for the thread here on it...

Sounds interesting, please tell us/me when you find the thread

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 10:49 AM
I suppose the longer the truth about Roswell remains hidden, the more fantastic the theories will become. Sure it's possible that the "creatures" found at Roswell (if any were, in fact, found) could have been massively deformed humans, but that still doesn't explain why they would be dropping human test subjects in the middle of the desert.

One possibility is that they were experimenting with humans and sub-orbital vehicles and one crashed in the desert, causing the deformations due to the high heat and radiation they encountered. Of course, there's not a single shred of evidence to back of this theory either. Maybe I should write a book, anyway?

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 10:55 AM

At least there's more reason for a coverup with something like this than a weather balloon.

Yes, it would seem so at first...

But then, if this was some kind of genetic manipulation, etc. then why fly them in some kind of top secret (even after 1947???) aircraft? It would have been far more intelligent to fly them in a standard aircraft, and then any crash would have simply easily been covered up as an average crash site. Not to mention, there is the description of the debris, which only now are we even beginning to make similar materials....and of course, we haven't seen any planes since (in over 50 years?) use this material.

No, it's an attempt to wrap it up in a pretty little theoretical package that is unique, in order to sell books, but in the end, the idea would require ignoring the majority of the evidence in the case, as well as just plain common sense...

Here are just a few holes off the top of my head (beyond those mentioned).

1. 1947 was AFTER the war. We already had numerous German and Japanese scientists, doctors, etc. in custody, and we have numerous records of gaining advances from Nazi experiments on Death Camp victims. Many medical advances owe a lot to those who died in the camps. Therefore, there is no need for such a program to have been kept secret after many of these things already came to light.

2. We still have the problem with the prototype aircraft. Can you honestly think of ANY kind of craft that wouldn't have been identifiable as aircraft parts, by a senior intelligence officer? He may not have known what type of plane from the debris, but there would be no doubt it was some kind of terrestrial aircraft. (i.e. smoldering wheels, engine housings, windows, fuselage pieces, etc.) Not to mention that it would have been far easier (and practical) to use a downed aircraft cover story.

3. Military flights are scheduled. No such records either from the departing base, nor destination bases I'd wager (involving missing aircraft, secret or otherwise), given the suggested flight path.

4. Advances from this alleged program had to go where's the trail?

That's just for doubt the evidence used in the book will open whole other cans of worms.....


As for the other post I was thinking of, it was by JWB I believe, but couldn't find it in a cursory search, so I've asked him for a link to it....

[edit on 22-6-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 11:47 AM
You put up some good points Gaz, and I would like to point out that I don't necessarily believe the story. But in spite of any holes that may be in it, I would like to reiterate that it would be the only cover I've heard with a good reason for holding out this long. Even look above to Alexander's post to see a reasonable representation of the public sentiment for human testing. The gov't would hold back on something like that as long as they possibly could. Of course, that doesn't make the story itself any more plausible.

One thing I am curious about that you brought up Gaz, and forgive the slight change of topic, is the materials used in the crash. I've heard some say that it was mylar that was used in the Mogul project, a substance that was classified at the time I believe. What is the "counter-argument" (if you will) to that? I've heard plenty of reasons it couldn't have been aluminum foil, but mylar and aluminum foil aren't very similar in physical properties other than appearance.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 11:58 AM
because Mylar was not classified in the late 40's and surprisingly you can cut mylar with a scissors. Which Marcel and his family had attempted to due un-successfully. As well as both Brazel and Marcel both commented on what appeared to be some sort of spar and when a solider attempted to strike it with a large mallet would not deform and when they used more force the spar bent and then returned back into its original shape (unflexing or removing the bend).

We have just recently discovered the process to make such high strength high tensile materials that are capable of retaining shape memory but currently they require some sort of extreme temperature change to convert back to the original form. Where as the Brazel ranch material changed under normal atmospheric temps.

so either all of Marcel's comments have been fabricated, which according to all the covert goings on at the time, the retractions, the coverups, the relocation of officals and base personell I think is more conslusive to something of a more highly sensitve nature did actually crash at Brazel's ranch, and Marcel's comments then might actually hold some weight.

The problem is understanding which things were real and accounted for at the actual time of the event and which things were fabricated later in the goverments attempt to discredit Marcel. And further keep the coverup a secret by muddling fact with fiction as much as possible.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 12:49 PM

The US government has already admited to using minorities, soliders, civilians, and people with disabilities for very horid experiments. Thus, there is no real reason they would keep such a thing secret this long. We already have their admissions on MK-Ultra, the radiation experiments, agent orange, the biological fogging of cities, the Tuskegee experiments, ect. I hardly think that such a thing would be kept secret.

This new "theory" does not account for the nature of the materials found, either.

My fiance told me about this new theory two days ago, where he read the newspaper article about it. Honestly, I hardly find redferns theory shocking or horrific. The government has already admited to doing much worse.

Sorry, this whole thing sounds about as plausible as Mogul or an ordinary weather balloon.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 07:31 PM
There are several military people who have said a UFO did crash there in 1947. They were shown pictures and/or information in breifings. Many of which are in Greer's Disclosure book.

IMO, Roswell was real and covered up.

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