posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 12:31 AM
Maybe first one should define what it means to "exist". I think there are pre-existing assumptions in most people's minds when someone says the
word "real" or "exists", and therefore this question of time existing or not cannot be answered without being more specific, without defining what
exactly one means by "exists". For example, obviously time DOES exist in the sense that we all experience what seems to be a continuous flow of
cause and effect, and motion. But is this a universal constant, is it a dimention, is it simply a product of our minds, is it something that can be
measured or detected, or is it entirely subjective and variable? Is it just our common illusion or is it something more?
Given that the true nature of the universe (by that I mean all that exists) is that of having no beginning nor ending, I must conclude that time is
nothing more than an illusion, because given infinity, the existance of time creates a contradiction which seems to only be resolved if time does not
objectively exist as a universal constant. But the question I'd have then is, at what level does this illusion of time exist? Obviously it's not at
the level of the conscious mind, because we cannot just "wish it away" consciously, it is something that persists and seems to be true for all
people. But what do we really know about our subconscious minds?
My understanding is that, if you can prove that time simply CANNOT exist, then the question of "does it exist" would be resolved. And so to be more
specific, is there a "universal constant" that we must "travel through" in order to get from "POINT A" to "POINT B" (assuming those points
exist ON the "timeline", if there is such a thing as a timeline)?
The proof of why time cannot possibly exist seems to be pretty simple, and I'll use an analogy. If you have an infinite number line, there is no way
you could ever arrive at any number by starting at the beginning or at the end of the number line, since there IS no beginning or end to infinity. So,
if you wanted to look at the number 3 (for example), you'd have to simply hop directly to it, since once again, you cannot possibly arrive at 3 from
either direction, because there is no beginning or ending to an infinite number line, there is no starting point. Well yes you could arrive at 3 from
either direction but ONLY if you already HOPPED on another number that is a finite distance from 3. So yes if I start at 7 I can arrive at 3. But my
point is that you cannot start at the END or beginning, since they don't exist in an infinite number line.
Now consider the infinite number line and just put in the word "timeline" instead. Since you can not have something out of nothing, then it is
logical to conclude that SOMETHING has always existed, there was never ever a time when absolute nothingness existed, as absolute nothingness would
forever continue to exist. Therefore, IF time is real, it must be infinite in both directions (past and future). And if it is infinite, then there is
no way you could arrive at any point in this timeline by traveling from either direction, since both directions lead forever into infinity. The only
way to look at any point of the timeline is to focus directly on the point, just as you'd focus on a number in a numberline.
There is only one problem. IF time was real, then there was no way you could just focus on any point in the timeline without having to cross all the
points that come before it. Even if you have a time machine, it simply means you'd be crossing all those points faster than normal, but u'd still
have to cross them. And as we have already determined, there are an infininity of points to cross, since there is no beginning or ending. Therefore,
if time is real, we would not be able to exist at ANY point in time, because we'd still be trying to cross infinity before we could exist at that
point in the timeline.
And since "crossing infinity" is impossible because infinity never ends, and because we DO exist, I must conclude that time does not objectively
exist, and is just an illusion of some sort. Just like the infinite number line does not exist, but only in potential - we can hop to any number in
existance, but there will ALWAYS be one number higher. We could never reach "the end", nor could we reach "the beginning". The difference between
a timeline and a number line is, in a time line you HAVE TO cross every point that comes before any other point in order to arrive at any point,
because otherwise it would defeat its own purpose, and would not be called a timeline! In fact, even if you are thinking of "wormholes" or "bending
space-time" or whatever technique that might let you skip points, you're still crossing a FINITE distance between your current location (in space or
time) and your destination. You could never cross an infinite distance, no matter how fast you are going - since infinity does not end.
Hence, time, as an objective universal constant, does not exist, because if it did, nothing else would exist since it would still be trying to get
through infinity before it could exist at any point, since every point in time would have an infinity of time before it in the past that one must
first cross, and you cannot cross infinity, since it never ever ends!
So when the Bible says "In the beginning, God created...." you must always ask, "What did he do for the infinity of time before that?". And if
you're not yet told to shut up, or you're given some answer, you can continue "Oh wait, you can't do ANYTHING for infinity and THEN create
something after that, since infinity never ends!". So there is no ultimate creation of all things, no beginning, and there is no ultimate destruction
or ending. Of course, that won't fly with religion, because then you'd have no possible use for any "Creator God", and religion just can't exist
without a concept of God and without you having to obey his commands and fear his threats if you don't obey, etc! So don't go telling your pastor
that you suddenly had a moment of enlightenment and it didn't look good for religion to say the least, cuz he won't like that and might revoke your
Church membership!
Consider that religions are a dime a dozen, and when humanity begins to travel to different planets, we'll suddenly realise that we're not the only
ones that were controlled through religion, and after we see about 1000 variations of "God" and the "creation story", we'll eventually just be
sick of hearing it! So we'll just go to a planet and they'll be like "Oh we must tell you the truth, you must obey our God in order to be saved,
and here are the things you need to do..." and we'll say "blah blah blah, been there done that, heard it all before! Wake up silly fool!".
But I wouldn't recommend hopping planets and trying to snap people out of their religions. It doesn't work on our planet either! The simple solution
is, either an individual "gets it" or they don't. But until they do, they'll easily believe the most contradictory nonsense and swear by it, and
there is nothing anyone can do about it! Free will and all! Besides, we each learn our lessons in our own time, in our own way. Until we're ready to
SEE and snap out of our own personal illusions, nothing anyone says will matter!
Ok rant is over ;o
[edit on 1-7-2005 by lilblam]