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Not Bulemia or a Heart Attack

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posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 08:09 AM

I'm somewhat amazed. Really.

This is a 'conspiracy' site and here is an obvious flaming
conspiracy and yet no one wants to dig in. Why? Don't say
it isn't any of our business. When a crime may have been
committed it is ALL of our business'. Is the problem that
everyone is sick of hearing her name? Sick of her family?
That's fine, but just because we are sick of the subject
doesn't mean we should let it go if there may be criminal
activities afoot.

Terri Schiavo very well could have been the victim of an
attempted murder, or at the very least a victim of extreme
domestic abuse and yet all I hear is crickets chirping.
Chirping in the national news and chirping here.

I'm glad that Mark Furman is going to investigate. The guy
may (or may not) be a racist pig ... but he is an EXCELLENT

excerpt -

Phil Brennan,
Monday, June 20, 2005

The report dismisses bulimia, alleged by her husband and widely reported by the media as the cause, and rules out a heart attack, also named as a cause. It makes no attempt to identify the real cause of the incident, or answer the key question: if neither bulimia nor heart attack were the cause, what did stop Terri Schiavo's brain from receiving its life-giving supply of oxygen?

Instead of clearing up the many questions concerning the life and death of Terri Shiavo, the report on the autopsy of her remains only raises even more questions. Rather than confirming the many dubious claims of her husband, his lawyers and their allies in the media about her real condition and its cause, it strongly suggests that the claims were unsupported by the facts.

READ MORE of the article at -

Missing medical records, etc. etc. etc.

[edit on 6/20/2005 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 07:17 AM

More information. This is the timeline of events on the day of
Terri's 'collapse'. There are story changes, time changes, missing
documents from EMT, and the husband who knows CPR and
didn't do it.

I'm telling ya' ... this is SOOOOO fishy!!

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 07:26 AM
"Step on up, sticks to your right and dead horses to the left, have at it and while you are here sign up to be on the Schindlers List for marketing purposes.

Have you ever been in an emergency such as that. I would not be looking at the clock either. SO what you are saying is that the Police and EMS has conspired with her husband to keep this secret for all these years for what reason?

[edit on 6/27/05 by FredT]

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
This is a 'conspiracy' site and here is an obvious flaming
conspiracy and yet no one wants to dig in. Why?

Because the evil genius Michael Schiavo has beaten us all. Damn him.

He outsmarted Karl Rove, side stepped the investigations of Bill Frist, Tom DeLay and Jeb Bush, he zigged when the entire Republican Party zagged, he negated the investigative power of the sheer BILLIONS behind the right to intrude movement with an "innocent" act so convincing as to make him look like the victim here just for having his life ruined and being entirely innocent.

Damn you Michael Shiavo! Damn you!

Maybe we can get him on tax evasion, huh? That'll show those culture of death merchants they can't be innocent of false allegations on our watch.

posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by RANT
Damn you Michael Shiavo! Damn you!

He has probably already damned himself, but if you
like cussing at him ... go ahead.

posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by FredT
Have you ever been in an emergency such as that.

Yep. My husband had a double stroke about 7 years ago.
I knew to call 911. It took about 5 minutes for me to understand
that he was stroking - he was only 37 at the time and a stroke
was something that wasn't in my mind as a possibility. But I
called 911. They got there within 10 minutes.

I would not be looking at the clock either.

It's not that hard to figure approximate times out. I was asked
times when 911 EMTs arrived. I could figure them out within
a few minutes. No lapse of 45 minutes or hours like with
Schiavo ... (yeah, he was that upset about a woman he
abused and who had just told him that she wanted a divorce??)
Also, there are times phone records of when Michael called
the father-in-law, 911, etc. BTW - Michael knew CPR and
didn't even attempt to use it. If MY child or husband suddenly
collapsed and had no heart beat or breathing ... I'd use my
CPR. It's trained into you ... When my husband stroked, I
called 911 and was going through in my mind my CPR 'just in case'.

the Police and EMS has conspired with her husband
to keep this secret for all these years for what reason?

Nope. The info was there all along. The court system supressed
the information and clouded the facts. Facts are facts. It's all there.

[edit on 6/28/2005 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 12:41 PM
Call me crazy, but has it occurred to anyone that maybe just maybe, this was a natural occurance. I had a 37 year old friend, in perfect health or jogged everyday, who had a massive stroke. To this day they can not tell her the reason why it occurred. I just find it hard to believe, even if her husband did wait 45 minutes to call EMS, that they wouldn't have been able to determine while in the emergency room that their was some kind of foul play. Not every husband, every wife, or every mother or father is the cause of severe unexplainable medical issues. Sometimes things just happen. And since there was a medical malpractice case, how much of her condition was caused at the hospital.

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