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'Teleporting' Over The Internet?

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posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 06:42 PM
Computer scientists in the US are developing a system which would allow people to "teleport" a solid 3D recreation of themselves over the internet.

Professors Todd Mowry and Seth Goldstein of Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania think that, within a human generation, we might be able to replicate three-dimensional objects out of a mass of material made up of small synthetic "atoms".

Cameras would capture the movement of an object or person and then this data would be fed to the atoms, which would then assemble themselves to make up an exact likeness of the object.

They came up with the idea based on "claytronics," the animation technique which involves slightly moving a model per frame to animate it.

Interesting article also proposes the building of objects from "nano-dust" or microscopic objects programmed to bind to each other and move although currently they are limited to experimenting with objects at significantly larger scales. Also mentions proposed techniques involving suits & cameras similar to how Gollum was choreographed in LOTR.

Realistically, we may never be able to quip "beam me up scotty" and experience quantum travel without physically moving but intelligent, innovative lifeforms certainly make even the most boring planets tolerable.

[edit on 19-6-2005 by Vajrayana]

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 07:54 PM
Wouldnt break any laws of physics, so its really free game I would think.

True, its a logistical nightmare, but so was building accurate rockets 50 years ago....

The information age will become more than we can imagine, and this isnt so farfetched considering the computational advances we have made.

and 75 years is a long time...

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 08:09 PM
A Similar concept to Star Trek theme of teleportation, but this actually forms a "Clone" of the matter sent.

Definately an interesting find

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 09:34 PM
wouldnt be to hard to recreate i aint no scientist or ne thing but i mean we can already make 3-d imagines so to make another one that is real life ..possible

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 12:17 AM
I'm thinking its gonna take alot longer than one generation to make controlled anano-bots in that sophisticated in such a large amount relatively quickly.

I dont see how this is anything like the ntransporters in Star Trek, they convert an object into energy, send it to the transport location, than turn it back into the origobnal state.

There is a big difference between a 3-d image and a nano-bot projection.

Also, the amount of bandwidth neeeded to make the nano-projection move smoothly in real time would be gargantean.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 12:58 AM
Man, the porn industry would make a killing with that technology!

Time to buy stock in porn companies...


posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 04:42 PM

I have had an idea. Probably complete rubbish but there you go.

If quantum thoery says that and eletron etc can wink out and then back in why couldn't we use that for transportation / space drive?

If we could could control it then surely transporters would be possible?

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by Vajrayana
Computer scientists in the US are developing a system which would allow people to "teleport" a solid 3D recreation of themselves over the internet.

Professors Todd Mowry and Seth Goldstein of Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania think that, within a human generation, we might be able to replicate three-dimensional objects out of a mass of material made up of small synthetic "atoms".

Cameras would capture the movement of an object or person and then this data would be fed to the atoms, which would then assemble themselves to make up an exact likeness of the object.

They came up with the idea based on "claytronics," the animation technique which involves slightly moving a model per frame to animate it.

Interesting article also proposes the building of objects from "nano-dust" or microscopic objects programmed to bind to each other and move although currently they are limited to experimenting with objects at significantly larger scales. Also mentions proposed techniques involving suits & cameras similar to how Gollum was choreographed in LOTR.

Realistically, we may never be able to quip "beam me up scotty" and experience quantum travel without physically moving but intelligent, innovative lifeforms certainly make even the most boring planets tolerable.

[edit on 19-6-2005 by Vajrayana]

First a 3d tele-commute is not teleportation of self so to speak. The disassociation below the DNA, at the sub-atomic or quantum level and then reconstruction of said person poses consider problems, unless you incorporate identity-ego reconstruction which might be possible given whats happening in neuroquantology, however, anything that would use non-neuroquantological Quantum bi-locality sub-level DNA conversion (sub-atomic not atomic) to energy-signal and then reconstruction without concern about "is it real a clone, and which got the SOL?" Little things like that matter to me, (talk about voting more then once, I'm from Chicago and I know the dead LOVE TO vote! They must they do it so often) One dude said to me about just this area last month: "beaming here or anywhere, who cares if we destroy the original it's not like people will notice a perfect copy" Only an engineer devoid of any sense why biology works thinks like that... NOW you know why they can't produce a sentient machine... Well , I care, who know's my copy is a copy.Scary is I would likely never would have a clue. Just like I need to meet another me. "I get the damn remote, you had it last night" ! You would think, "you" being only just another "you" would not have any conflict about viewing preferences. Ask an identical twin , despite personality being largely DNA based, they don't need worry about relativity-time-differential. No doubt tonight you may want to watch a different show than last night... Repliticive fading is nothing compared to this. My SOL a Cannon (or worse HP) copy? I have trouble with that.

Perhaps a better "transporter" is to engulf the person which only will in a way hold, but not "do anything like destroy the persons structure" in any way. It won't be ripped apart at the so-called "atomic" level, then as a passenger with the quantum signal which removes the messy relativity problem and that of moving at the speed of light... has the person then exit from the quantum envelope at target location, no time travel problems, no relativity to freak you out showing up a thousand years after you left having no concept like of what let alone when you are. but that precludes the fact I just don't think such a primitive approach is survivable or doable the way most think about it. It's a major violation/paradox and contradiction of relativity (you can stop spinning in the grave Albert, It will be OK Albert, they will figure it all out and not "spit in your general direction" here, take a tissue... ) That will happen. It has happened, thats part of Quantum Dynamics. But once quantum transported you still got wait at customs. Nature makes everyone pay for every little advanced in technology. Its even quantum in concept.
edit on 28/3/11 by arbiture because: Needed to Quantum" to once transported its a quantum communication "transporter" signal

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by glennellis23

I have had an idea. Probably complete rubbish but there you go.

If quantum thoery says that and eletron etc can wink out and then back in why couldn't we use that for transportation / space drive?

If we could could control it then surely transporters would be possible?

We can. But targeting would at first represent an issue, we need to "seed with quantum calibration of here and there" but the issue of distance is meaningless at the quantum level.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 06:12 PM

Here's another futuristic hypothesis.

What if we, as a race, no longer need our bodies in the future - in so much that any body will do. If we can upload conciousness to the web, then we could download it any place we like in any waiting receptacle (possibly silicon based). Sci fi for sure, but possible in a couple of hundred years? Who knows? The most intriguing part is being able to transfer conciousness - it would open up a huge religious debate. Is conciousness godly, or just a manifestation of a biological process?
edit on 28/3/2011 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by UKTruth

Here's another futuristic hypothesis.

What if we, as a race, no longer need our bodies in the future - in so much that any body will do. If we can upload conciousness to the web, then we could download it any place we like in any waiting receptacle (possibly silicon based). Sci fi for sure, but possible in a couple of hundred years? Who knows? The most intriguing part is being able to transfer conciousness - it would open up a huge religious debate. Is conciousness godly, or just a manifestation of a biological process?
edit on 28/3/2011 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

In effect the possibility that very advanced life which by nature is organizing-thought self emergence, may be uninhibited at all by any physical form, but as we think of "self" ego-isolation by locality, so far I know biology has it down. (Post living things may experience in fact the only way that seems logical, is lfe in non-localized ego-not but awareness. No personal hang ups in effect) I only know that biology works and know how to design a very primitive basic fabrication device that does it, the manufacturing and design tweeking for me. I have NO clue as to how to build a DNA computer from the quantum level up my self, I'm not that bright. I don't have to be.

I know nature is by definition "that which is self-organizing". All I need to to know how to do is create the right ENVIRONMENT, provide growth material, energy and self organizing machines, even DNA computers emerge. I don't have clue one how "they" do it don't need to. But I know how to provide the "machines greenhouse" start and control the environment and thats all I need. Even the "machine" of mine will improve itself, From quantum-DNA then real cool widget. Anyone can drop a seed in the ground and NO ONE knows I mean really, how it goes after that. Thats my approach. Can a "engineered machine" be self aware. No reason it can't be. But I could not begin to build one, and its one reason no machine has come close to self-awareness.
edit on 28/3/11 by arbiture because: I was cut off from wring my reply, not the first time.

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