posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 10:41 AM
Originally posted by dollmonster
I live with the chronic pain of Fibromyalgia. The amazing testimonials from people who tried Mangosteen, the latest "cure all" to hit the market,
inspired my husband to buy some for me. He has promised me that in as little as two weeks, I'll have significantly less pain. I'm not so
My heart goes out to you. I have a friend who has this, and my daughter suffers from it as well. And no, that doesn't work, any of it.
Some side therapies help (exercise, massage of some types)
Mangosteen is used for treating diarrhea, which I don't believe is your problem. It might also cause blood pressure to rise (see bottom of this
Fibro sufferer forums (like this one) report that any improvement is mostly placebo effect:
Here's fibro news... I'd check on the reports at just because I'm a suspicious old bat about early announcements:
Anyway, my Husband is already convinced that this product is everything it claims. So much so he plans to invest in it and become a
distributor. Could he be a victim of mind control? I've never known Him to be so gullible.
As Val says, he's been a victim of the MLM industry that's pushing an overpriced fruit drink on us.
Even MLM-ers who are into this thing report that it takes a downline of
25 or more people just to break even (and that's people who will enter your downline, stay in your downline, and will recruit others into their own
downline. Not just friends and family who are willing to buy a few bottles of overpriced fruit juice every month.)
I could offer a ton of negatives on MLM and on people who have lost thousands of dollars on these things (including, but not limited to,
Mangosteen/Xango) and I even know a few personally -- but I'm not sure how much good that would do.
[edit on 19-6-2005 by Byrd]