posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 07:57 PM
Ok writters! I need a staff of ATS's great writters and more for a group story I plan on making.
We will have about 2 writters, 3 researches, 2 illustraters (there will be some pictures but only like 1 every 3 chapters/ I have 1 illustrater so I
just need another), and 3 - 5 people to work on the story line.
We will talk at least 2 times a week about the story, meeting up in some chat (probably Yahoo since I know alot of people have that), and we will all
work on the story.
There will be 3 volumes (not big volumes like the harry potter books, just small volumes that join together to become a Da Vinci Code size book)
The basic story line is this:
2 kingdoms, first at war, then join together since both rulers follow the teachings of Master Xin (Shin) Keidan. Xin makes the kingdoms friends, but
there is a group of people who are against it. Those people fight the kingdoms, by recruiting the help of rebels across the world. One boy starts off
as a rebel with his twin brother, but they both fade apart, the boy going to join the kingdom's side, and his twin going to the rebels side.
Volume 1- Has basicly history of how the kingdoms where at war and goes into detail about the whole history between the kingdoms.
Volume 2- Talks about the joining of the kingdoms and the start of the rebels and the war
Volume 3- Ends the series with the big solution and a big surprise...just gotta think of a surprise...
Heres the fun part (the reason why I need many writters)-
Each chapter will be written by a different writter. Each chapter will be thru the eyes of a different character (main characters only). So we will
have 1 person developing each character, working with the writter who will write the chapter about that character.
Now everyone will read the chapters before it is released, and we will all work together to edit it, so it works for everyone.
The artwork is drawn in an interesting style (I have come up with 2 pictures for it in this style). The eyes aren't drawn ( and alot of times the
mouth isn't drawn either) and it isn't just one big pictures. Just got a bunch of pictures of each'll get it when I upload the first
The title of the story so far?
From my eyes
So, who wants to work with me on this? I can assure you this will be very fun, and we will all grow closer together...
Plus you guys will love the story once its out... me on it personages!