Originally posted by ImAlreadyPsychoYou wouldn't shoot a bird or rabbit with a gun used on a bear.
...Unless you want your rabbit meat well tenderized & care to spend a few hours to collect the carcass with tweezers & a magnifying glass...
Still, the most valid point I've seen in this thread has to be that virtually anyone who has an ax to grind can certainly dig up some kind of
statistics to support whatever theory he wishes to...And not bother to dig a little deeper for the facts that *cause* those particulars statistics in
the first place.
Originally posted by ImAlreadyPsycho The top serial killers in the world have yet to be mentioned too.
Adolph Hitler
Joseph Stalin
Actually, these two would be more accurately described as "mass murderers", not "serial killers"...But I'm not going to argue semantics over this
Originally posted by uNBaLaNCeD
Like if cops were the only ones who had guns,it wouldn't even be coercion anymore.
Disarm the governments,then the cops,then I will cut my gun in half.
It has been argued that this is the main reason to continue letting the American Citizen "bear arms"...Some of the American Forefathers argued that,
if the government gets out of control (which there seems to be *very* strong indications of that happening), then the Citizens had a means to defend
themselves from the government itself.
Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf The real problems with the US are: too much TV, Zionist occupation, too many US companies and
products abroad, too many jobs going overseas, too little education, too little awareness of whats going on in thier own borders, people not taking
care of themselves, national debt, and traitors running the gov.
Actually, the Zionists could very likely be the source of these problems:
Too much TV, too many US companies/products/jobs going overseas (simply because it's cheaper to operate on foriegn soil), too little
education/awareness (An uneducated slave is a safer slave), national debt (mostly caused by the Federal Reserve, a "child" of privately-owned
international banks).
And again, some problems have a "trickle-down cause & effect":
Too much TV (without any real "education" inserted, it's mostly just "mind-candy") promotes the "consumerist attitude" that causes a lot of
problems in the US. It's also too expensive of a system to maintain; Look at how much advertising costs & how many *large* companies are willing to
pay that cost (with money out of *our* pockets to do it...What? You think that the high retail-costs in the stores are *not* at least partially
influenced by the companies' advertising budget, which is what *we're* paying for?)
Also, without much educational programming, TV promotes laziness, & loss of attention span...Which leads to the uncaring attitude towards awareness.
This may be a large factor in Americans not taking care of themselves also.
In turn, the national debt has put *everyone* under the thumbs of the Zionists...Whether we know it or not. Even the *government* has to do what they
say, or they'll not get any more of their "scrip-money" (it's not *real* money, because there's no real value to back it up) to play with. Most
of the nation's traitors who work in the federal government actually are following "orders" from the Federal Reserve when they commit their treason
in the first place...This is why we need a really *serious* shakedown of the US's government & econmic base.
All in all, it seems that Zionists are the root-cause of of quite a few problems in the US...Granted, getting out from under their thumb isn't going
to solve *all* our problems, but it would release a lot of pressure so we can deal with other problems more efficiently.
Originally posted by jagdfliegerOnce people realize that they would face stiff prison sentences if they commited suicide using a
firearm, then that practice would cease and people would turn to less violent methods of suicide.
Yes, I see the inherent humor in your post...But then you have to realize that suicide is the only crime that you can be prosecuted for *only if you
[Edited on 6-9-2003 by MidnightDStroyer]