Secession is a tricky thing. The first issue which was mentioned by an early poster was that it is illegal. It is tantamount to treason, and
instigated the Civil War (and it's ABE Lincoln, not Ape Lincoln).
However, several states put a clause into their constitutions that provide for secession from the Union in certain circumstance.
As also mentioned by a previous poster, Vermont currently has a movement to seceed.
I believe this is the only active movement in the country. I am not talking about passing laws in case the nation becomes corrupt (which incidentally
IS a good idea). We all hope that will never happen of course, but it is certainly foresightful.
Vermont has an interesting history. Originally claimed by France, the state achieved independant status after the French and Indian war in 1777. I
live in Windsor, the first official town in the Republic, which houses the historic Vermont Constitution House. Vermon was an independent Republic up
until 1791 when it joined the United States as the 14th state.
However, other states when they joined the original 13 colonies (such as New York) put a special clause into their constitution that provided for
leaving the union.
The current push for secession is called the Second Republic of Vermont (being that the First Republic was disbanded in 1791).
There is a whole set of people in support of this movement and they go around giving speeches and selling "Vermont Passports." They have had some
very notable constitutional scholars supporting the validity of this movement.
Vermont, sort of like Texas I suppose has this image of being an independent state. It's interesting that the current bend of politics in Vermont
with Howard Dean, Patrick Leahy, Bernie Sanders, and the turncoat senator Jim Jeffords focuses on a liberal slant.
In fact Vermont has historically been Republican. Calvin Coolidge, a Republican, is the only Vermont Governor to become a President of the United
States. The fiercely independent farmers and business owners of the 1800's and 1900's has been forced to contend with the new breed of hippies
moving in trying to live off the land and start organic farms after the 1960's. In fact these are the newcomers. There are fiercely battled
elections in here, and the current conservative minority is still looking around for it's voice. However, it is anything but quashed, contrary to
what Howard Dean may hope! Since Jim Jeffords is stepping down, it's likely that Bernie Sanders will attempt to run for his office, and there will
be a Republican candidate as well. I predict that this is going to be a great race and quite likely a vicious and nasty fight, and may the best man
However, as much as they like to hype themselves, I don't see this happening unless there is some extreme circumstance like the Arizona bill. States
depend heavily on Federal funds for highways and education, not to mention national security. I simply cannot imagine that the United States would
ever agree to such a movement peacefully. I am not even sure that I would support it. It's an intruguing idea, but being part of a greater whole
gives us strength. There is the famous flag "united we stand divided we fall."