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"NRA - Deadliest Organization in world"

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posted on Aug, 13 2003 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by ImAlreadyPsycho
As a gun owner, I will say that the NRA is a waste of time and money. I never did join and I never will. These are the idiots that push the issue too far and make all gun owners look bad. (before you NRA members go nuts on me, the IDIOTS I am refering to are the top guys in the "association" not the individual members)

The more they push their so called issues over on the govt, the more the govt is going to try to ban all guns. I believe we should have the right to own guns. There are some that should be banned for anything other than military. I am talking fully automatic weapons. Anything other than those though, should remain legal.

The only thing NRA is good for is their semi-motto, as I say it all the time. The govt can have my guns when they pull them from my cold dead fingers.

I know what you mean. Charlton Heston is the most psychotic person I have seen.

posted on Aug, 13 2003 @ 11:56 AM

I know what you mean. Charlton Heston is the most psychotic person I have seen.

First, What psychiatric dictionary are you using?
Second, C.H. resigned with Alzheimers months ago.

posted on Aug, 13 2003 @ 12:00 PM
The problem with the citizenry taking back over a tyrannical govt these days is that the govt has the military backup to destroy all citizens that march on the govt with our arms.

Now, I am not for anarchy or anything, but the govt has turned somewhat tyrannical. So, I could see where in maybe 10 years some people may want to try it. The only other problem is organizing enough people to do it, but then the military back up of the govt would cause problems.

posted on Aug, 13 2003 @ 12:00 PM
Well, theres the problem. Some members of the NRA. I am not a part of the NRA, I prefer not to.

RI dont see what the real problem with full auto weapons is. The average joe dont need em. They are fun to shoot though. Why should the army have all the fun?

Still, they can ban full autos all they like. Peoiple get em anyway. Thats what alot of gangs do, they get thier # through illegal means, and go do drive bys. Banning full autos has really done little to stop thier sale.

Besides, im seeing more and more people buying them as people get more paranoid that the govornment is getting out of control. Hard to see the clarity of the issue of full auto weapons....someday, we might need em.

To answer an earlier question of yours, John, about the futility of govornment uprising, us vs tanks, like Wacoo, waco opened itself up. If there was a revolt, it would be full scale guerilla warfare. We have learned personally, through vietnam, Iraq, and other hotspots that Guerillas can wear down even the mightiest armies. Thats pretty much the way it would be here. Thats one factor that both caused and helped end the civil war: gurilla warfare fears.

posted on Aug, 13 2003 @ 12:03 PM
I would have to agree that CH had problems. But more with athority than anything. I wouldn't classify him as psychotic. And yes, he is no longer the front man.

But the fact that it is lead by people that are trying too hard is a bit scary. Many times they argue one thing which is too easily turned against them to make a better case against them.

I doubt our arms will be taken in the next 5 years, but, the govt is definitely working on it. All I can say is I will be going down in a blaze of glory when they come to take them away from me.

posted on Aug, 13 2003 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
If there was a revolt, it would be full scale guerilla warfare. We have learned personally, through vietnam, Iraq, and other hotspots that Guerillas can wear down even the mightiest armies. Thats pretty much the way it would be here. Thats one factor that both caused and helped end the civil war: gurilla warfare fears.

This is exactly true. Another civil war. Unfortunately, some of us have family in the military. This would be nothing like North vs South. This would be Military vs Citizens and it again would be pitting brother against brother.

posted on Aug, 13 2003 @ 12:11 PM
I think you would be surprised as to how many "military" people would turn on the Govt. if/when it comes down to it.

Edit: Just to clarify, I AM NOT some revolutionary nutbag. I don't think things have gotten anywhere near the need for a revolution in the violent sence.

[Edited on 13-8-2003 by Fry2]

posted on Aug, 13 2003 @ 12:36 PM
You may be right fry. With any luck many of the military would turn on them. I would hope that would be the case. I also am not one of those nutbags. I think we are still a ways off. However, I also believe that when it comes time for a revolution, the only way it will happen is through violence, because that is the only way our govt knows how to solve problems.

posted on Aug, 13 2003 @ 12:43 PM
Revolt is unlikely now, or the near future....but...its inevitable, one way or wnother. Things have reached a critical mass where there is no turning back. Were already spiralling downward. Its just a matter of the slow, painful mentropy, and the slow, hidden attempts of our govornment to start implimenting population and mind contro, tactics.

Whats scary is when the time to rewvolt comes, people might be so mentally castrated and unaware, there will be no one clear enough to see what has happaened, they will wake up one day, realize that it has happened, and not care, or not be fully aware.

What we really need is some chaos. A stock market crash, economic total meltdown and failure, massive power outages, some sort of chaos to stirr it up. If they continue uninterupted in thier plans, well......then it will be too late.

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