Has anyone listend to...
Exploring music with Bill McGlauphlin *sp*
A Prarire Home Companion
This American Life
Hearts of Space
St. Paul Sunday
Car Talk
NPR News
I know a bunch proablly listnen to NPR
But this is my local NPR station these are some shows they play that I like alot I'm wonering if anyone else finds theses shows good
Hell I don;t watch TV anymore my PC and thoes programs keep me happy and entarined and radio is much more mobile.
Lysergic, you right on that one. I just want the actual people who make those TV shows to completely break off from the networks and sell them online,
that way we can pay the artists directly and they do deserve to get paid. TV Advertising is dying off anyways as everyone either hits the mute button
or Tivo's them out of existance.