posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 04:22 AM
Thanks for your PM about Rosicrucians, I apologise for taking so long to reply, but ive been very busy with business. I thought it would be better to
answer your questions on the forum so other people could join in.
You will probably read a lot of material criticising Rosicrucians, and likewise you will probably read a lot to the contrary. The same applies for
Freemasonry. for every Masonic Scholar who tries to educate people about their Secret Society, you will get someone flaming them and saying they are
evil etc. The point is, you should make your own decisions. If you seriously want to join AMORC, then read what you can about them, (good and bad)
then decide what you feel is right. There is nothing to stop you, after being a member for a year, deciding that its a waste of time or we are evil
and leaving the order.
I have got a lot out of my affiliation with AMORC, I have a better understanding of myself, and I have improved many apects of my life. From personal
relationships, business, to my understanding of life and death. I do also believe that you get out what you put in. The more you think about the
teachings and their meanings, and the more you practice the various excercises, and techniques, the faster you will develop your self.
You mention that you have read that they have wandered from the original teachings, well times have changed a great deal since the order was formed
and therefore the order has changed to suit the modern times.
Feel free to post any more questions and opinions on the Rosicrucian Order (AMORC) on this thread.
Regards, AllseeingEYE.
[edit on 16-6-2005 by intrepid]