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See Otter takes on a 2-bit journalist over 9-11

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posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 01:27 AM
My recent duello with a minor journalist, Declan McCullagh
( on the media's whorishly bought silence
and coverup of the totally obvious USA milgov 9-11 mass murder psyop.

Learn (if you can) my suave diplomatic flair!

Entries read downwards, from oldest (my initial email) to Declan's
final reply at bottom.

-See Otter


Scott Meredith wrote:

Declan, you journalists are so cutely amusing when you dip a toe in
the water of the "censorship" discussion and work up some pseudo-froth
about it, when all the time those of you working in, or connected
with, or sanctioned by mainstream media in any form are massively
self-censored (by your whorish need to be acceptable, presentable, and
respectable, which keeps you far and safely distant from anything
remotely real or important about what's going down). The owners
needn't even bother to jerk the choke-chain on you guys, its great!

Thanks for the many laughs over the years!

-Scott Meredith


-----Original Message-----
From: Declan McCullagh [mailto:[email protected]]
To: Scott Meredith


That would be an amusing charge if it were closer to the truth. You're
talking about "you journalists" but I'm hardly a member of the
traditional "mainstream media" and I've never felt muzzled.

There are some modes of speaking that are more permissible than
others, true. Instead of calling a politician a "dirty rat-bastard" we
might find less colorful language, for instance.

What's "remotely real and important" that I'm not writing about?



Scott Meredith wrote:

We are in a perpetual war, openly declared literally as such by the
leader class.

Exercise for a student journalist:

(a) Purchase a copy of 'The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of
the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
(Authorized Edition)' by National Commission on Terrorist Attacks

(b) Purchase a copy of 'The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions And
Distortions' by David Ray Griffin.

(c) Lay your purchases from (a) and (b) out side by side together on
your desk. Go through them together, page by page, cross-referencing
one to the other whenever needed.

(d) If after 30 minutes of this it doesn't become glaringly obvious
that the 9-11 report is a massive coverup of a milgov domestically
engineered inside job, you must be brain-dead or mentally
self-censored (this is referred to as 'doublethink' by Orwell - the
need to self-suppress 'crimethink')

I know at this moment you are dope-slapping your forehead and
muttering "holy #, I've inadvertently stepped into a pile of
trailer-park trash Weekly World News conspiracy bull#".

Not exactly, as I'm not obsessively focused on the 9-11 crime per se
(though obsession would not necessarily be inappropriate, as this is
the crime that launched the USA into Orwellian Perpetual War). The
point is that with an infinite list of documented falsehoods,
anomalies, gaps, lies and distortions, atop the total inherent
implausibility of the official 9-11 Boxcutter Cartoon, NOT ONE SINGLE
respectable mainstream journalist or mainstream connected
stringer/free-lancer has dared to raise ANY serious objection to the
milgov Cartoon story, nor even launch a serious investigation. Instead
we see laughable and idiotic, really sophomoric, breeze-throughs such
as the recent jokes pieces in Popular Mechanics and Scientific American.

This is an absolute disgrace. And even though you are not directly and
solely sponsored by a single mainstream outlet, you do publish in
Wired, you have connections, you are part of the game, you are a player.

So, 9-11 is not an obsession, but it is an excellent litmus test.

You guys are whores for a mainstream reality of the military
industrial domination of the earth by determined and ruthless elite.

> I've never felt muzzled.

Yes. You are self-selected and trusted to be self-censored. That's the
beauty of the system.

Watch the fantastic new German movie "Downfall" to see what happens to
a country when the people are led by the captive press to trust their

Thanks again for the puppet show!

-Scott Meredith


-----Original Message-----
From: Declan McCullagh [mailto:[email protected]]
To: Scott Meredith

Perhaps. I don't doubt that the 9/11 Commission was interested in
covering things up rather than exposing the truth. The membership
alone speaks volumes.

The problem is that my job doesn't permit me to spend time on this
topic (you might as well complain, and try to insult, a sports writer
in the 1970s for not exposing Watergate).

Though your email makes me more likely to read Griffin's work.



Scott Meredith wrote:

True. You are just a batboy for the system and I should not tag you
with the failures of the big dogs.

Thanks for what you do,

-scott m

-----Original Message-----
From: Declan McCullagh [mailto:[email protected]]
To: Scott Meredith

I wonder why you expect anyone to take you seriously when you spew
what (I suppose) you intend to be insults?

Even if you had incontrovertible evidence of The Conspiracy to End All
Conspiracies, I suspect that everyone else but me has killfiled you to
save themselves the (minor) annoyance.



Scott Meredith wrote:

I don't doubt that what you say is absolutely correct.

I've had the same response many times before, from better men than you.

Attention to etiquette is the mark of the accomplished courtier.

"There's room at the top they are telling you still,
but first you must learn how to smile as you kill.
If you want to be like the folks on the hill."

-John Lennon

--Scott Meredith


-----Original Message-----
From: Declan McCullagh [mailto:[email protected]]
To: Scott Meredith

"Performing the same, failed, activity over and over is a sure sign of

Yes, that means you. Enjoy.


If you haven't killfiled me yet you may wish to reflect on why any single individual's style of communication should have the slightest relevance in a discussion of potential domestic state-sponsored terrorism in justification for a perpetual Orwellian war. Analyze yourself and see how quickly your attention shifted from consideration of a massive historical crime to one irrelevant individual's mental condition.

If you say you don't need me as your weatherman to tell you which way the wind is blowing, ask yourself why you have not investigated this seriously on your own (you haven't even read Griffin). The crime of the century that "changed everything" just isn't your beat I guess.

But now you can congratulate yourself on killfiling another crank.


-Scott Meredith

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 06:09 AM
Wow. The point of that was?

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by SeeOtter

-----Original Message-----
From: Declan McCullagh [mailto:[email protected]]
To: Scott Meredith

"Performing the same, failed, activity over and over is a sure sign of

Yes, that means you. Enjoy.


And crow about it.

That artist, programmer and editor of a political blog ON TECHNOLOGY never stood a chance huh?


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