posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 05:47 PM
Well as you said you are the one who has first hand knolege, but hear is what I hear as it was unfolding;
I hear all of this on the TV News, mostly Fox. They reported that aprox 1,000,000 people in 7 counties were with out power, they then incresed it to
8 counties. After several hours they said the cause was a certen power plant, as I recall some where in the Conroe area. There was evenchely a store
on the Houstoh Chronical site that said about 70,000 with out power. But the next morning the TV news was saying 100,000 were with out power. The
Rep from the power company evenchely said that 16 transmishen lines went down, which as a result of that, there was a transformer fire at there
generation plant. The combonition of the two or something there of caused them not to be able to import power from another plant. They said the
cause was high winds.
As I am sure you know there were isolated but strong storms in the area that day. I do not know how correct all this info is. I tried to post it
hear as I head about it on the news.
And like you said, the story seemed to change an awfull lot, and from what I saw, no one ever really showed what happened.
For what ever it is worth, thats about what I got.