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Role Reversal

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posted on Jun, 15 2005 @ 09:58 PM
Earth Sister.
I mean no dishonor to your words. I intend no anger for your response. There are not presently higher life forms residing on the planet Mars.

A truth is that there are now (and have been for centuries) other life forms, so-called "alien" races residing upon and visiting the planet earth. They are separate from the humans of planet earth.

It is not Prophecy that the humans of planet earth will persist long enough to develop the technology or ability to survive life on the planet Mars. The number year 2012 will come to pass before. Olmec people then the Maya knew of this in their time. This was knowledge given to them by others.

A truth is that the ruling governments of planet earth have succeeded in using organized mis-information and dis-information and falsehoods to misguide the human populations about so-called "alien" races, and particularly about the craft these races use for travel. While dimensional science does play a role, it is simply a matter of technology. These races benefit from technology that is many thousands of years beyond that of the humans of the planet earth. The humans can not yet reliably acheive its equal or exploit it for their own. In most instances, the humans have only experienced these technological examples by happenstance caused by the unfortunate fates of a very few visitors over recent earth decades.

A truth is that there are many different races and life forms that are advanced for millenium beyond that of the humans of earth. Some of these life forms are not benevolent. Some of these races are not malicious. Some worship their technology as the humans worship a spiritual God. Some are indifferent to the humans of earth.

A truth is that the planet earth is predominantly covered by a substance which its ruling inhabitants can not master or survive within. The planet is covered by 76.8% simple water. These so-called "alien" races have long ago mastered space, time to some degree, and do easily function and survive within this simple substance.

A truth is that the most powerful machines and submarines used by humans can only temporarily penetrate to a depth of 2.6 miles before crushing. The exception to this rule is the ROV, but is greatly limited in its scope. Yet, as one example, the area of the oceans and seas humans call Marianas Trench is over 7.3 earth miles deep.

A question is if you were of these "alien" races and desired to travel to the planet earth and remain there undisturbed, and arrive and depart mostly undetected, where would you reside? The orbiting space satellites of the ruling earth governments have daily knowledge of these happenings.

A truth is simple water is one key to higher life form on many, many other planets. Water is universal. The planet of Mars has frozen water.

There is more truth to learn, Earth Sister.

Peace be upon you this day.

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by EarthSister

Don't take my word for it, but Mars is already inhabited and not ours to colonize. The people live inside of Mars in large carved-out cities with roadways and skyways. Water flows inward from its icecaps. The people control the atmosphere inside and grow all their food inside. Isn't that incredible?

this sound indeed incredible

well i'm playing the idiot a few weeks the marsis radar system onboard the mars express orbiter will hopefully be operational so the underground cities should be neatly exposed

After this event MARSIS, the Mars Express Sub-Surface Radar Altimeter, will enter into a commissioning phase for the next few weeks, before starting to look at Mars’s ionosphere during martian daylight, and to probe down below the Martian surface during the martian night.

from :

Specific objectives of the mission are:

-Global high-resolution photo-geology at 10 m resolution
-Global spatial high-resolution mineralogical mapping of the Martian surface at 100 m resolution
-Global atmospheric circulation and high-resolution mapping of atmospheric composition
-Subsurface structures at km-scale down to permafrost Interaction of the atmosphere with the interplanetary medium.


posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 09:15 AM
Thanks for those links Hannah! I was wondering when we'd be doing some kind of underground radar scans or Mars.

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 09:17 AM
Thanks Hannah, I was about to look for some infomation on underground scanning of mars.

We can find the cities.

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by EarthSister
We did come from another race of humans with the exact same DNA we have. But our biology is so different that we can't live in each other's atmosphere any better than any other race's.

How do you figure two races can have the exact same DNA and be so biologically different they can't survive in the same atmosphere?

I think you're deluding yourself, or just scamming the people here.

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 09:52 AM
let's hope everything works like it should, will be interesting

now to the original topic :

i think we could of course turn mars into a long time science project, if the martian conditions are right. seeding some primitive plants/other observable life ( if the conditions are suitable of course ) and watching how it develops, would definitly be interesting.

but first we need more information about the martian soil and here the mars soil return mission could provide us with valuable information.

i don't know if NASA has something planned, one mars sample return mission is planned as a part of the ESA aurora programme, which is in funding problems ( could still kick my gov. in their *** ). if they can finance it, the mission could start in 2011 according to the ESA page.

interesting pic :
(about 1,5 MB ) color calibration issues or what ?


have to correct myself..forgot about the radiation, this will be a big problem. i don't know if there are any lifeforms on earth that could survive in these conditions, but perhaps we could simply extract some suitable soil and use this in somekind of martian base ( protected from radiation ) to do some tests..who knows perhaps when im old

[edit on 16-6-2005 by Hannah]

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 10:45 AM
Vimana of Vishnu

Thank you for sharing your views. That's what this place is for.

As you may have noticed, I stick closely to what I learn from my personal experience and teachings with the organization of alien races that are visiting Earth. I also learn a great deal from my experience in the field of study among humans on Earth, and recognize that here it's all about the way humans think about alien life and what they learn from each other.

Within my experiences, once in a while I see aspects of the two schools meet in some way, but often the meetings are by accident, chance or theft. This is the area in human consciousness and understanding that provides the play ground for professional perpetuation of mass confusion over our visiting life.

Notoriously, humans must have some superstitious pending date of doom or salvation- it doesn't matter which, and it's often both. I predict that the year 2012 will happen to us at the end of approximately 6 years, 6 months, 2 weeks and 1 day, and that many things will occur in every one of its 365 days for humans on Earth, and for our visiting races, and for the meetings between us.

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by mythatsabigprobe

Originally posted by EarthSister
We did come from another race of humans with the exact same DNA we have. But our biology is so different that we can't live in each other's atmosphere any better than any other race's.

How do you figure two races can have the exact same DNA and be so biologically different they can't survive in the same atmosphere?


You have to give that more thought. Consider the separate species of same DNA evolving in different environments on our own world. Consider adaptation to see how environment affects how any species makes changes over generations to thrive. Consider separate original development.

Whole races "spawn" biologically from DNA material over evolutional time. Our bodies develop from our original beginnings to match our unique environments.

Same DNA, different makeup of the matter of our bodies, different arrangement and functions of organs, different biology. This makes us alien to each other and unable to share atmosphere.

Only one race that visits Earth has the same DNA we do, but there are a few other races of humans in the Universe, all much further advanced than we are.

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 11:31 AM
I came across this article, Mars-like Lab Conditions Support Life, where they state:

A laboratory experiment simulating conditions on Mars found that certain terrestrial microorganisms called methanogens can survive in extreme Mars-like conditions involving low air pressure.

But like I said before, I don't think anything could survive above ground. If we were to colonize Mars, It would be similar to living on the Moon, you would always be living in a habitat and never be able to go out for a stroll so to speak. I think a small colony for scientific purposes is likely, but no one would want to live there permanently. That is if we were given permission from the current residents of course.

I think this should drive home the point that there really isn't anywhere else for us to go if the Earth became uninhabitable or overcrowded, so we should take care of it.

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 11:40 AM
It doesn't matter in a few weeks it will show us their cities!

They live in caverns underneath, and get water from their ice caps, and grow stuff in an entire atmosphere below, and in a few weeks we will discover them.

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 03:47 PM
I do believe that we will eventually engage in Terraforming, but I would rather we not do it in this Solar System.

At least not until we know what we are doing, say after 100 other planets or so?

Some means are dangerous, some Planets will not do what we expect. I would not wish to have a broken Planet here.

But once we can, I think Terraforming will be a grand adventure. What we do not know we will learn, as long as the place is uninhabited and determining that is going to be very challenging.

I would assume that the inital conditions are going to have to be with in a fairly narrow range, Mars probably does not really qualify. I do not particularly enjoy the bio-invasion side of the idea, but it is necessary. If we need a significant level of earth life on a planet then we would have to add enough Earth life to create a new harmony that works.

We should have bases on the Moon, and Mars, already, but they will be doomed to Domes and caverns for a very long time. If Mars is inhabited then we should already be in public contact and hopefully that would mean some of us would already be living there.

But I realize that I have a somewhat idealized view of what we 'should' be doing.

Oh, and folks... might want to look into the technical specs on the Mars radar before you get your hopes up too high. I doubt the radar will go very deep, perhaps not underground at all. Takes quite a lot of power to do that.


[edit on 6/16/05 by Alexander Tau]

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by Alexander Tau
Oh, and folks... might want to look into the technical specs on the Mars radar before you get your hopes up too high. I doubt the radar will go very deep, perhaps not underground at all. Takes quite a lot of power to do that.

well...of course this system will not provide a "roentgen" like view of planet mars, but it's a starting point. perhaps not underground at all ? the developers of the system and the european space agency speak of _subsurface_ isn't that underground or is my english that flawed ?

the main goal is, as the esa page says to find subsurface water, not alien cities LOL , not many people ( including me ) expect a subsurface ET base/city/world whatever on will be twisted so that every viewpoint can continue to exist..even if we have one day a complete view of the inner of planet earth & mars etc. some people will say "et has shielding / subsurface stealth or whatever...the reptiles are coming"....lmao

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 04:42 PM
first off i dont really believe we are some science experiment. But colinizing mars would be an incredible step. it would not be a science experiment. By the time we can do that this earth will probably be overcrowded. maybe it can be a prison planet

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 05:07 PM
jupiterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr mars

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 05:24 PM
Wow, guys.. um I wasn't actually being literal about the cities on mars.. it was a joke. You guys are really difficult to talk to, not a very easy going group.

Let me go over it again..

EarthSister says Aliens live underground cities on mars.

Hannah says Scans looking for undersurface water will be done in a couple weeks.

I say then we will see the cities.

Personally, I think we will find neither.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by EarthSister

Originally posted by mythatsabigprobe
How do you figure two races can have the exact same DNA and be so biologically different they can't survive in the same atmosphere?


You have to give that more thought. Consider the separate species of same DNA evolving in different environments on our own world. Consider adaptation to see how environment affects how any species makes changes over generations to thrive. Consider separate original development.

Whole races "spawn" biologically from DNA material over evolutional time. Our bodies develop from our original beginnings to match our unique environments.

Same DNA, different makeup of the matter of our bodies, different arrangement and functions of organs, different biology. This makes us alien to each other and unable to share atmosphere.

Only one race that visits Earth has the same DNA we do, but there are a few other races of humans in the Universe, all much further advanced than we are.

I think you should do some research on DNA so you can make your wild theories sound more convincing. The only thing that is the 'same' about DNA in different species is that it's made up of nucleotides. There are around 3 billion nucleotide pairs in the human genome and any deviation from that makes us not-human. Every species on this planet has different genes, different chromosomes, different genomes to make up different DNA.

A nucleotide is basically a phosphated sugar and saying that we all have the same DNA is like saying a battleship and a keyring are the same because they're both made of metal.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 09:23 AM

Thank you for explaining all that. I think you misunderstood me though, prolly my fault because I don't know enough about DNA to explain DNA itself. I am only explaining the little bit I know about how races of people from their own worlds are populating space over evolutional time.

How DNA material gets from one world to another can happen two ways-- by chance (stuck to a mobile rock) or on purpose (placed by hand or technology there). Either way, the natural differences that occur with the DNA's biological development depend entirely on the natural differences of the worlds.

I didn't say that all life on Earth has the same DNA, or that all races of people in the Universes have the same DNA. I said some people of a world are of the same DNA as people of some other worlds. I will add that further variables throughout advancement, both natural and manual, create even more differences over even greater time. We are all continually evolving in our unique directions, but with some influences from some other races.

I said that those of the same DNA who are developing and evolving on different worlds are alien to each other biologically and cannot share each other's atmosphere.

This is my very simple but absolutely clear understanding from what I have learned from the alien races, including the other race of humans that is visiting Earth, which is who our race's DNA directly came from.

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