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We are history, I think.

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posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 02:12 PM
I managed to catch the end of a TV documentary yesterday on Time Travel.

I switched on just as it was being proved that you could only go back in time to the day when your time machine was assembled.

I got there far too late to catch the reasons why this is so but when someone with the standing that Michio Kaku has in the science world says this then I quite believe him.

Anyway he went on to say that computers in hundreds/thousands of years time will have processers at unbelievable speeds that it will be possible to make virtual reality as "real" as real life was in say the 12th century or say the 21st century.

But for the study of history, there will have to be billions and billions of "matrixes" all indistinguishable from the real world.

Billions and billions of "Matrixes" and just one real world.

Supposing in the future this has already been done and there now exists billions and billions of June 2005`s and only one real one.

This being so, the odds of us being the real June 2005 is billions to one against.

Im personally leaning towards this scenario ( as scary as it is ) as against visitations from distant galaxies.

I wouldnt put it past someone in the 28th century to be putting little UFO glitches in "our" software programme just to see how we would handle it.

Im not too sure Ive explained this all that well

I guess I may soon find out.

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 02:17 PM
Wow this is scary. Not because of what you mentioned but because last night I was thinking about this same exact scenario and wanted to post it on ATS.


Anyway, I completely agree that in a few decades, computers will be able to replicate gargantuan equations. Large enough to even recreate the moment of the 'Big Bang' all the way to this second. Every single possibility...etc will be factored in this equation.

But my concern is much less with Time Travel. It's with the theory of the multi-verse.

In essence, let's assume that we arent in any type of Matrix like situation. This is the first 'go-around'.

Now, in the future, computers will be able to replicate the universe. Yes the vast universe all in the confines of one computer.

So that would mean that when these 'super computers' are created and they begin to 'recreate' the universe. Then it will be the birth of Alternate realities/Multi-verse/Mutliple Timelines.

What do you think?

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 02:22 PM
Unlikely - but certainly entertaining...

You can only go forward in time - not backwards - trust me.

(and even in that case all you are doing is creating a localized time dialation)

However if we ever manage to survive as a species long enough to see computers that advanced - I do believe it will truly challenge our notions of reality.

I do not find the UFO phenommena to truly fit the discription of a glitch - but certainly ghost phenommena might fit that category.

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 02:30 PM
Truth Magnet , I do trust you but we are not talking about "US" going back in time but simulating in human like virtual reality in computer programmes for any date in the past.

It will be able to be done and so it will be done.

I just took it to the next logical step which is are we a programme or are we real.

Simulacra took it a lot further than my thoughts and its made for a very frightening scenario.

Computer programmes giving life to whole new universes and also giving death to them. Gee thats terrifying.

You know that cant be more than a couple of thousand years away.

That has me very troubled and Im not happy that Simulacra made me stop and think about it

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 02:41 PM
Well I hope I am not supposed to be moral in simulated worlds because I play GTA form time to time on the PC!

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 02:43 PM

I switched on just as it was being proved that you could only go back in time to the day when your time machine was assembled.

Well there's always the Quantum Leap idea...(i.e. in your own lifetime)...

Personally, I don't think "time" gives a damn about paradox...

I'm more of the mind of an alteration creating a parallel universe, and that you could (if you wished) still return to your universe and point of origin with nothing changed, no harm no foul (except to inhabitants of that OTHER universe, hehe...)

At least that's a less frightening concept....

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 03:02 PM
No Gazrok, the guy said that the only way you could go back and say view the crucifixion is if you got hold of a time machine that was built by aliens at the time of the crucifixion ..... I must try and figure out the maths and the reasoning.

And I much prefer your solution but Im afraid mine may well be the right one.

At least we wont have to bother with these 158 different aliens pestering the life out of us.

[edit on 14-6-2005 by JayKew]

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 03:24 PM
Screw the REAL June 2005...

I wanna be in the June 2005 "matrix" or universe where I'm Gazrok the all-powerful sorceror and master of all I survey! Can I be in that one?

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 03:31 PM
hmmmmm. This gives one pause for thought indeed.

Carlos Castanada said in his 'The art of dreaming' book....that the people we create in our dreams are so real they even have theyre OWN thoughts. If this is a fact, then each person who dreams creates a matrix of thier own, every dang night...!
If our brains also create 'Matrix's'. I wonder wich matrix scenario is MORE real, brain created ones or computor generated ones?

[edit on 14-6-2005 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
hmmmmm. This gives one pause for thought indeed.

Carlos Castanada said in his 'The art of dreaming' book....that the people we create in our dreams are so real they even have theyre OWN thoughts. If this is a fact, then each person who dreams creates a matrix of thier own, every dang night...!
If our brains also create 'Matrix's'. I wonder wich matrix scenario is MORE real, brain created ones or computor generated ones?

[edit on 14-6-2005 by theRiverGoddess]

Could there be a link b/w infinite space and an infinite loop in a computer.

posted on Jun, 15 2005 @ 12:05 PM

Well really this is my theory of god as a Christian believer.

That all universes derive from him - where he is essentially the supercomputer.

And therefore all reality comes from him which is the only "true" initial reality.

This allows either the one universe theory or the multi-verse theory to easily be true - as essentially interactive simulations he has created.

It was really after studying Steve Wozniak's work (when I was a comp. sci major) that I came to this conclusion.

But, either way, when I play video games against programmed A.I. I just don't feel an obligation to be moral - although it is my natural tendency in most games.

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