Inexplicably there is this perception that religions are about peace. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The evidence proves the exact opposite. Daily we read about the awful atrocities committed in the name of religion. In the Middle East, in India,
Pakistan, Sri Lanka, in Indonesia, the Philippines, Northern Ireland, England, Nigeria, the USA, Afghanistan, Iran, Algeria, Sudan, Saudi Arabia,
Bosnia, Chechnya, Mexico, etc. From the Sept. 11 massacre to the murder of doctors who perform abortions, religion is the prime motivating factor
behind these insane deeds. History is littered with religious crimes, the inquisitions, the crusades, slavery, colonialism, countless wars and
Far from promoting peace, religions do the opposite, they promote conflict. As long as there are different religions, as long as there are different
denominations within religions, in fact as long as there is religion, there will never be peace on earth.
There will never be world peace if religious leaders don't stop insisting that their particular brand of religion is the one and only true religion,
the only path to salvation.
For peace to have a chance, religious leaders would have to publicly recognize that other religions have equally legitimate claims to the truth, in
other words they will have to admit that their religion might be the false one. Of course this will never happen because religions require absolute
belief, absolute faith, in order to receive the level of commitment that they desire.
The level of commitment, the level of devotion that high priests demand cannot be achieved among followers if there is the slightest doubt about the
truth of their particular religion. They cannot allow for any uncertainties, any doubts about the truth and validity of their religion. People are not
going to base their whole lives around, devote their lives to, blindly obey, worship, indoctrinate their children, donate money, pay a tithe, become
preachers, priests, monks, nuns and missionaries etc. for a system that they are not absolutely convinced is true.
Which religion?
Different religions all claiming absolute truth, only one can be right. Religions are threatened by other religions because the mere existence of
other religions casts doubts about the truth of any one religion. The mere fact that there are many religions raises the possibility of any particular
religion being wrong.
Religions will always refuse to recognize that other religions have equally legitimate claims to the truth, because this would mean that they have to
admit the converse, i.e. that all religions including themselves have an equal probability of being false. Claims of exclusive truth are vital in
religious marketing, but imply that other religions are false, that they are based on lies, that they worship false gods. This leads to intolerance,
animosity, violence and wars.
One of the main causes of conflict in the world is the fierce competition between religions, and between denominations within religions, for
followers, for the minds and money of the public, for power and influence.
Religion is a multi billion dollar business, religions hold enormous political clout. Religious hierarchies love power. It takes ambition to become a
pope, archbishop, bishop, rabbi, ayatollah, imam, mullah, high priest or guru. Ambitious people always want more, more status, more power and
influence, more money. Religious leaders not only want to hold on to their followers but they want to increase their number of followers.
As long as there are different religions on this planet, there will be competition between them for followers, resulting in conflict and wars.
You shall have no other gods before me. (First of the Ten Commandments)
Religions are divisive, each claiming to be the only true religion, therefore claiming that other religions are false and untrue. This stimulates
intolerance, hate, bigotry, an us and them, laager mentality, which often leads to violence and conflict. It is a common tactic of religions to
demonize other competing religions, this stimulates intolerance and hate, leading to violent conflict, resulting in destruction, suffering and
God's chosen people
Claims that members of a particular religion or race are special in the eyes of their god leads to arrogance, to feelings of superiority, that others
are of less value, less worthy, that their lives are cheaper. This makes it much easier to slaughter them.
None of the religious conflicts have been as long lasting, intense and destructive as the christian/islam conflict.
Today there is a very real danger of a global conflict between these two largest religions on earth. With Judaism acting as the catalyst. Christianity
and Islam both have their roots in ancient Judaism. Right from their inception there has been constant conflict, strife and violent confrontation,
fueled by the intense rivalry between these closely related religions. Millions of lives have been lost.
The September 11 attack on the World Trade Center in New York has triggered a sharp rise in tension between christianity and islam and there now
exists the very real possibility that this will escalate into a global confrontation.
Religion could plunge the whole planet into war, with disastrous consequences for mankind.
For as long as they have existed there has been animosity and strife between religions. As long as religions claim to be mutually exclusive, as long
as they claim to be the one and only true religion, as long as they claim that the other religions, the other gods, the other worshipping rituals are
false, as long as they demonize each other, there will never be peace on earth.
This world is a scary place, over half the population of this planet worship a mass murderer. Jews, christians and muslims worship a god guilty of
genocide (Genesis 7:23), and what's really scary is that they define this god as good.
How can religions that worship a mass murderer ever be considered religions of peace.
It should not be a surprise to anyone who has read the Old Testament that the Abrahamic faiths would inspire violence.
The 'holy scriptures' of the Abrahamic faiths describe a sick, twisted, jealous, vengeful, unjust, punishing, tyrannical, fascistic, mass murdering,
insecure megalomaniac of a god. This god is a truly despicable character who inspires truly despicable behavior.
The more christians ignore their bible the better they are as people.
The more muslims ignore their koran the better they are as people.