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A New Political Idea - The Eugenic Dictatorship Theory

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posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 09:30 AM
The Eugenic Dictatorship Theory is an idea I have just thoguht up today and very early this morning. Before I explain this new political possibility, throw away your pre-conceived ideas of dictators and dictatorships. I am a democratic-socialist myself, and belive firmly in democracy, but this idea may be a strong and credible exception to our modern day system of democracy.

The political theory is that we have the following:
A society/nation/continent/planet etc that is controlled by a single/small group of individual(s) who has/have been genetically modified by the use of eugenics to make him or her a/them biologically perfect leader(s), eliminating any form of personal desire for power, greed, hatred, sadistic desires etc. This/these leader(s) (or Controllers) would then be cloned, passing on his or her/their exact genetic material to a potential new Controller. This/these clones would then be educated and conditioned for a life/lives of service as a new/new Controller(s). He or she/they would take over control of his or her/their area of responsibilities when the previous Controller(s) end their term of power, and therefore ensure the stability of that area for another term.

This may sound like a fancy but impossible dream, but the use of eugenics, or more commonly know as Paradise Engineering, could mark a new era in human civilisation. Although this idea is seperate from the typical eugenic idea of making every humans' genetic code perfect (ie, eliminate negative genes that make us bad, greedy, lustful, hate, violent etc), it is drawing on this idea to create a single leader, or proberbly better might be a comittee of Controllers, genetically enhanced "perfect" leaders, to control our world. Democracy can stilll be used to vote in a basic political system which the Controller(s) would adhere to, and a parliament with political parties like those of today, can still be used to advise the Controllers, but they, in thier unbiased, ungreedy, unselfish selves, could rule with fairness, strength, courage and more importantly, preserve, protect and stabilize our world,; with thier own moral values beign those set by the political party in power through democratic elections.

There are uncountable possibilities on how this theory could work, many of which I am still thinking of/up, and I hope to get some feed back from you all.

For more information on Paradise Engineering, I would strongly suggest you have a look at this website, , for more information, before you pass judgement on my theory.

Thank you, and apologies for such large chunks of text.

John Pearce.

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 02:22 PM
I really think these utopian ideologies do more worse than good because it's just a dream and not really a reality. what ever theory we come up with always turns out different. Look at hitler for example, He dreampt up a Greater germania, a master race, complete peace in the world after the war and a 1000 year reich. No he ended up in a flatted germany smokin.

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by Coolbreeze
I really think these utopian ideologies do more worse than good because it's just a dream and not really a reality. what ever theory we come up with always turns out different. Look at hitler for example, He dreampt up a Greater germania, a master race, complete peace in the world after the war and a 1000 year reich. No he ended up in a flatted germany smokin.

That isn't what I have said at all though. I don't believe in a "perfect world", in a Utopia. And it is wrong to compare Nazi "scientific" (bull#) theory of a "master race" with scientific fact of gentic alteration. I agree, whether or not this would ever be put into practice within living memory seems extremely unlikely, if ever, but nothing is impossible.

I posted this as a thoeretical idea, and believe that if it ever WAS applied properly, could work effectively. I'm not entirely sure if I belive that it is the correct way forward poltically, but it is an interesting concept none the less. Nothing can be proved possible or impossible without testing (although Communists and Fasists still cannot see, even with the attempted installation of thier politcal systesm, that they do not work.)

Perhaps eugenics could still be used to alter the genome of all humanity? Therefore, eliminate in a fully scientific way ALL "bad" emotions adn feelings... It is scientifically viable, but an operation on that, on a global scale, would be etremely hard. That is unless theres another way?

Just remember, Cromwell and many ancients, such as some roman senators, was shunned by people at the thoguht of democracy, sayign it would never work... how wrong they were.

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 09:58 AM
Or we could attempt to socialise people in a new way? Instead of making people/children think the best way is to screw everyone else over and make themselves the man we educate them to help one another?

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by Odium
Or we could attempt to socialise people in a new way? Instead of making people/children think the best way is to screw everyone else over and make themselves the man we educate them to help one another?

There is some logic in that, and it would definatly help, but I can't think of any time in school or by my parents when I was eductaed to "screw anyone over". Obviously, the more influence put onto cooperation rather than competition would help the situation, but if your growing up in a highly right-wing capitalist system (America is a prime example...), this education won't serve for much in the real world.

Another problem is that regadless of how mcuh we are educated, we still have genes that contain"data" that make us jealous, selfish, greedy etc in some situations. Evnt the calmest, most sincere and helpful person feels jealous sometimes, or angry, or really wants to screw some one over, whether the "screwing" (in a violent sense
) is for the right reasons or wrong.

I would agree though, people need to be brought up better by both parents, and teachers, and the environment they are brought up in shoudln't be as "boom and bust" competitive as it is. The again, what is better? Better morally and ethically? And if thats the case, what is "better" and "worse"? "right" and "wrong"? We must remeber that the morals and ethics of today are judged on public opinion. E.g. Something is only "right" because most people say it is. etcetera.

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 11:03 AM
Although well-intended, you tread into the dangerous totalitarian territory. I use the word “totalitarian,” because what could be more totalitarian and oppressive than creating people according to the society’s specifications?

Your social proposal would necessitate certain measures to prevent any undesirable traits from entering society’s gene pool. Your society would make your of the following policy tools to meet this end: forced sterilization for undesirables, forced birth control for undesirables, heavy immigration controls, genetic cataloging of every citizen, and possibly even forced extradition of undesirables. Sounds like Nazi German policy, rather than “paradise” to me.

Aside from these immoral, inhumane policy implementation tools, the goals of the policy itself are inhuman and nebulous. Who is to decide what traits go and what traits stay? What is to keep the Controllers from turning the rest of us into mindless slaves? Also, the greater question must be answered: be removing certain traits from the human gene pool cause us to cease being human? I would submit to you a resounding “YES!”

Remember, genetics is not a key to the individuality. Just because you may have a “violence gene” does not mean you will become a serial killer. Just because you don't have a “violence gene” doesn't mean you won't become a serial killer. Wiping out genes that predispose one to crime (if they even exist) will not eliminate crime or the bad things in life. Your utopian goals will not be met by such a policy.

We shouldn't go overboard in believing genetic determinism. Genes do not determine everything about one and his/her personality.

posted on Jan, 21 2006 @ 04:58 AM
My question to you is this: What happens to the less than "perfect" results from such idiocy as attempting to create a "perfect" leader. If they are at all human, inperfection is in our genes, that is what enables us to adapt to different enviroments over time.

Nest question: Who defines what a "perfect leader" is.

If they are at all human, eventually even the most "perfect" leader is going to ask what's in this for me, and he, or she will start getting him/her some.

Eventually the benevolent despot will become the Supreme Overlord of All, Arbiter of all that is. We would become mere playthings. Nope sorry, I'll keep the less than perfect thanks any way. Infact, I might even get violent in order to stop anything that even resembles an attempt to do something so abhorant.

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 04:50 PM
there was this austrian painter who had a similar idea

can't quite remember his name

i forget how that worked out...

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 05:50 PM
Yeah, what was his name anyway? Hilter, Schicklegruber... oh yeah Hitler.
Remember how his dream of an ubermensch worked out? Nope...I'll stick to the imperfect models we've got now.

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