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Comment and a Problem..

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posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 06:12 AM
I know the Global Ignore thing has been covered, but for a couple of weeks now I've been wondering why an online acquaintance hasn't been "posting." I researched (a.k.a. used the search function) the issue and found out that they're probably on Global Ignore.

HOWEVER, they are continuing to post in a very large thread that I am involved with. Is a user not told they are on GI? This person is wasting their time by writing (most likely) long, elaborate posts, and they must be operating under the fact that they haven't been told.

That makes me a bit paranoid (most of you know why). I have several questions regarding the "hide" feature:

What if my posts are going into literal cyber-space?
Will I be told as to why?
What warranties a person to have "hidden" postings, meaning, is there a rule that has been broken?

I was under the a$$/u/me/-shun that it's pretty difficult to be banned from ATS/BTS. The Terms of Use are spelled out for us. If a Mod regarding this matter answers this thread, I will U2U you (Mod) as to whom I am referring to.


[edit on 13-6-2005 by dotgov101]

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 06:21 AM

Originally posted by dotgov101
If a Mod regarding this matter answers this thread, I will U2U you (Mod) as to whom I am referring to.



For the public record though, yes. Anyone banned or placed on Global Ignore knows why, even if they can't admit it to themselves or others.

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 06:21 AM
some times i think im ignored, but not much i say warrants a retort. so its all good. beats me dot.

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by dotgov101
I was under the a$$/u/me/-shun that it's pretty difficult to be banned from ATS/BTS.

Not at all. Second (or third) chances are earned, not given. Disruptive posters wihout a significant history of contributions to the contrary are just *poof* gone.

The most important part of the Terms and Conditions are in great big letters.

Originally posted by SimonGray
Terms and Conditions of use of the and BelowTopSecret Message Board(s)

Lastly, and most important, this is a privately owned discussion board community. The administration and senior moderator staff reserve the right to take action against any member who is deemed to be devoted purely to disruption or whose actions represent behavior contrary to community building.. This action may include complete banning of your username and IP address.

Simon Gray - Webmaster and Founder of

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 12:58 PM

What if my posts are going into literal cyber-space?

They aren't. The posts will still register, just that nobody (aside from Staff) will be able to read them until the GI is lifted. If a posting ban, you'll be unable to post at all.

Will I be told as to why?

Yes, both automated, and usually (almost always in a GI or post ban situation) a personal U2U from the mod explaining EXACTLY why the action was taken. You'd also be told exactly what to do to rectify it.

What warranties a person to have "hidden" postings, meaning, is there a rule that has been broken?

Review the Terms & Conditions (sometimes called TOS, Terms of Service). Infractions usually result in warns, culminating in bans, etc. However, some serious infractions require immediate steps that may be more severe than warns. This is where the staff discretion comes into play. Often, if a serious action is required (such as banning), multiple staff members confer and agree, etc.

Bans are consider the last resort. GIs and Post bans are the last "nice" steps prior to a permanent ban.

I hope this answers your questions. If not, feel free to U2U or use the complaint feature.


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