posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 07:01 PM
I have been wondering, with the new fighters coming online in the U.S. and the advancements on the horizon in munitions, which is a better deal for
the U.S., an entirely new fleet of technologicaly way supieror aircraft or a real retrofit of an already battle proven fleet? An FA-18 with upgraded
radar, long range stand off weapons, and upgraded more fuel-effficient engines could project as much power as alot of the aircraft on the drawing
boards. The B-52 and B-1 have proven that retrofits can keep those airbourne syastems valuable for along time to come and with new advancements in
munitions the B-2 could prove it's worth it's costs after all. So my question is..........after the projects already in the pipeline, does the U.S.
need to pour more cash into funding new black aircraft projects? Can the current and new aircraft coming into service sustain the current air
supieriority the U.S. enjoys for another 50+ years?