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Ended by an Broke Answering Machine

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posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 10:55 PM
Uh...............!! My mother came to visit a few days ago, and started talking to my wife about 1995, the cold war, AeroSpace Defense industries closing down (Where my father use to work). At random, a Press telegram Journalist called by father, requesting an interview on a story about how the closure of the AeroSpace industry was hurting L.A. and Orange County. (He was laid off from Hughes). After the interview was published, a employee scout from MacDonald-Douglas kept calling and leaving messages on the answering machine...............WHICH WASN'T WORKING!!!

(I didn't find this out until that day my mother told my wife!)

Just as they sold the house to some family, A MINUTE after it was signed away, the employee scout calls again asking why they never called back, he left numberous messages! He gracious declined the job.

Well, they sold the house and moved out to Middle America.

AND... What happened to me? Along road of unfullfilled dreams, hardship and heartache. If I knew they had a crappy answering machine, I would have spend my entire E-Nothing Navy pay check to by them a TOP of the line answering machine.

What happened before.. I went into the Navy, wasn't happy, but I intend to do only four years and get out. My plans after the Navy was to go home to L.A. area, go to Long Beach City College, Cerritos or Cypress. Major in either Administration of Justice, Nursing, Paralegal or Business. Take four to five years to get an associates degree, work odd jobs or crappy jobs during that time. SMASHED! By a crappy answering machine!! live at home during that time, while going to school.

10 years later.. STILL in the Navy (Higher rank, I did move up the corporate ladder!). Still no degree, later. And Of Course my Navy training as a YEOMAN (in Middle Management). Whoppee!!

I just want to cry and scream, to someone, I hate you! I hate you!
I just want to turn back the clock and buy them an answering machine.
I could have truely put the Navy behind me. I could have went to school and became something useful. I could have enjoyed that Life the rest of those guys my age living in Lakewood were enjoying. School, Work, School, Work. I could have had the BIG uniform bon fire, (Burning your most nasty unwearable working uniforms) to signify the end of your service.
I could have went back to enjoying BBSing, nachos and Coffee in the safety of my own home. Walks in the backfield and San Gabriel river bed, El Delrado park. Meeting normal people that didn't have some serious problem. Smiling on a cloudy day. Enjoy seeing the sunrise. Going to Hawiian Gardens. Riding my Bike. So much more.

Thank you for reading.

posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 10:57 PM
Damn Answering Machine!! I am so sad, Pissed and Pissed some more!

THIS IS NOT WHERE I WANT TO BE!!! All because a damn answering machine!

parents wouldn't have lost the house, they won't have moved. I could have went home. Instead of staying in forever!

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