posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 01:28 PM
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A former Iraqi police commando blew himself up on Saturday in a failed bid to assassinate the leader of the controversial Wolf
Brigade, killing three members of the force in the process, the Interior Minister said.
The terror tactic that al-Qaida is trying to start a civil war, just might be on the verge of exploding, Sunni verse Shiite, and maybe even Kurds. The
Iraqi people need to stop and realize they are all Muslims and stop trying to kill one and another if America and other Countries around the world can
live with different religions they should be able to handle living with each other in their new free country. The people should start a war with
al-Qaida and other insurgence set on destroying the Iraqi peoples future
[edit on 11-6-2005 by finnman68]
[edit on 11-6-2005 by finnman68]