posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 08:29 PM
This doesn't seem to belong in the paranormal studies, does it?
And I don't really see how it has NWO all over it. If anything, it seems to be almost the part about useless officials and petty
laws, and the part about allowing each country to rule internally....( not be ruled by one world gov!)
The guys on the resistence manifesto web site go a bit overboard equating the line: "rule passion - faith- tradition - and all things with reason"
to having the world council of churchs establish a one world religion !!!?? My interpretation of that line was more of: " be reasonable in your
passion, faith , tradition, etc.....i.e., don't be blinded by extremes." Most of the other sites that deal with the Georgia Guidestones do
not seem to be leaning toward the NWO interpretation either.
None the less, thanks for the info about the Guidestones.....they're almost in my back yard, and I've never heard about them, now I'm dying to go
have a look see!
but if a vote is required....I too vote no.