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Tsunami Caused by Bomb?

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posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 05:08 AM
I was recently talking to a friend in russia, She's in college and she was telling me about her classes. She says that in one class, they're discussing how it's impossible for an earthquake to cause such a Tsunami, which occured this year.

"Russian scientists assume it was a bomb that triggered the earthquake, by help of a bomb only could the earthquake summon such a tsunami."
Quote from friend.

I personally don't think this is plausible. Why would someone create a tsunami to kill so many people? My friend thinks the government was testing satelite weaponry, but I assume he's just..not..right in the mind.


Found an interesting article:

[edit on 11-6-2005 by Vinci]

posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 11:02 AM

She's in college???? Which college -- Ivan's Barber college and Bait Shop?

The whole story is a backhanded condemnation of the Russian educational system.

posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 11:30 AM

I was recently talking to a friend in russia, She's in college and she was telling me about her classes. She says that in one class, they're discussing how it's impossible for an earthquake to cause such a Tsunami, which occured this year.

"Russian scientists assume it was a bomb that triggered the earthquake, by help of a bomb only could the earthquake summon such a tsunami."

Hmm, the bold black statements above contradict each other.
Tsunamis are caused by earthquakes. We just do not feel them for the most part because the plate shifting takes place not near in the middle of the ocean. And even the slightest shift under that much water will create waves, tsunamis, whatever.

I would think that it would take a pretty big bomb, say a nuclear bomb, to move that move rock in order to move that much water.

Anyways, all the Russian college chics I know never mentioned that to me and we always talk about crap like that, you know conspiracies and stuff.

But who knows.....

[edit on 11/6/2005 by SportyMB]

posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 01:06 PM

That link explains what caused the tsunami. It wasn't just the earthquake. It was millions of tons of rock, soil, etc displacing the water that caused it.

posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by SportyMB

I was recently talking to a friend in russia, She's in college and she was telling me about her classes. She says that in one class, they're discussing how it's impossible for an earthquake to cause such a Tsunami, which occured this year.

"Russian scientists assume it was a bomb that triggered the earthquake, by help of a bomb only could the earthquake summon such a tsunami."

Hmm, the bold black statements above contradict each other.
Tsunamis are caused by earthquakes. We just do not feel them for the most part because the plate shifting takes place not near in the middle of the ocean. And even the slightest shift under that much water will create waves, tsunamis, whatever.

[edit on 11/6/2005 by SportyMB]

... by the help of a bomb only could ...

And, thanks for that link tebyen.

posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 01:55 PM

it's impossible for an earthquake to cause such a Tsunami

But even with the help from a is still an earthquake that caused it. So it is NOT impossible for earthquakes to cause such a Tsunami.

I don't wanna go on with this....I was just pointing that out.

But could be true. I just don't think it is possible to do such a thing at the present time.

posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by Vinci"Russian scientists assume it was a bomb that triggered the earthquake, by help of a bomb only could the earthquake summon such a tsunami."
Quote from friend.

I think that was the position taken by Pravda -- which she should know is a tabloid and very unreliable. The next question should be "which scientists? What universities?" and go look those scientists up.

I would bet her a hundred roubles that if there ARE such scientists (which I doubt) that they are not geologists and don't know anything about the dynamics of that particular plate.

Or about explosions.

Now -- SOME geologists have piggybacked their studies of earth's crust to peaceful nuclear explosions (weapons testing) -- scroll donw to the map, here, and you'll see how closely some were placed to major fault lines... and none of them caused quakes:

I suppose that if you could generate as much explosive energy as the volcano, Krakatoa, did that you might be able to rock pieces of the tectonic plates. However, THAT explosion was equal to 30,000 atomic bombs (give or take a few hundred) and I think (since, according to that document above) since the impacts of an explosion are very different from that of an earthquake, that the difference would be easy to tell.

...not to mention that the increased radiation from setting off 30,000 atomic bombs would be VERY noticeable, even to amateurs.

posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 02:34 PM
#1. I don't think that a Nuke is powerful enough to cause the Tsunami. A lot of Tests where done in water, and never did we here anything about Tsunamis being the after-effect.

#2. Why wasn't there a Tsunami after the March Earth Quake???

The only weapon that could have caused the Boxer Day Tsunami ... would be HAARP in Alaska... You know the machine that causes EarthQuakes...

That would then lead to the question... why would Americans deliberately kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people???

The Tsunami mostly destroyed Muslims ... we are at war with Muslims ... and after the Tsunami hit we were on of the biggest supporters of AID and Cleanup - thereby making us HERO's to this large part of the Muslim World.

So now because of these actions we are at war with the Middle East ... and not all of the Muslims in the World.

Could be possible... it makes sense.

posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 02:36 PM
ATS past discussions that may be of interest or add to this?
Tsunami by Quake? Bomb? Comet? EM?
Tsunami Bomb Developed As Far Back As 1944 (from ATSNN)

General ATS search:


posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by Where2Hide2006

That would then lead to the question... why would Americans deliberately kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people???

The Tsunami mostly destroyed Muslims ... we are at war with Muslims ... and after the Tsunami hit we were on of the biggest supporters of AID and Cleanup - thereby making us HERO's to this large part of the Muslim World.

So now because of these actions we are at war with the Middle East ... and not all of the Muslims in the World.

Could be possible... it makes sense.

(for the bold text): That's what people say about 9/11, When I tell them about all the conspiracies, they reply with why would Americans deliberately kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people ???
Maybe it was an accident? Who knows. But, then again, from what you said, my friend's theory would make sense. He still thinks it was the American Government testing satelite weaponry. I will add this to his theory: With remorse, knowing it was our fault, we helped.

posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 03:33 PM

The Tsunami mostly destroyed Muslims ... we are at war with Muslims ... and after the Tsunami hit we were on of the biggest supporters of AID and Cleanup - thereby making us HERO's to this large part of the Muslim World.

I thought the tsunami killed mostly Buddhist????
I dont think thailand, India, Malaysia and Singapore are Muslim countries?

CIA world factbook

Buddhism 95%, Muslim 3.8%, Christianity 0.5%, Hinduism 0.1%, other 0.6%

Well there goes killing that theory....the muslim killing theory I know the Iraq thing.

[edit on 11/6/2005 by SportyMB]

posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by SportyMB

I dont think thailand, India, Malaysia and Singapore are Muslim countries?

CIA world factbook

Buddhism 95%, Muslim 3.8%, Christianity 0.5%, Hinduism 0.1%, other 0.6%

The chart above is only for Thailand

Indonesia was the hardest hit by the EarthQuake ... and the Tsunami.

Indonesia's toll was over 100,000.

The Religion of Indonesia is ...

In Indonesia majority of the nationals practice:

Islam (88%).
Christianity (8%),
Hindusim (2%)
Buddhism (1%).


all i am saying is that your chart is misleading. not that anyone on ATS would be stupid enough to fall for that mis-direction.

[edit on 11/6/2005 by SportyMB]

posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 12:33 AM
It's funny that on a conspiracy site we go by standards and statistics of the CIA.

Also; why would we want to kill muslims in such countries? They don't do much harm..It's the middle-eastern freedom fighters mostly.


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