posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 09:46 PM
I have read a few posts on these forums that mention the fact that the member has been an avid reader for a very long time, and only recently joined
because they felt the need to say something about the current subject. In my case, I stumbled on to this site, looking for something else. I started
reading posts, and the next day I registered to be a member. Hopefully, by telling you a little about myself it will become clear why that was.
I believe I see a few common threads that are leading to the destruction of our race. The biggest is ignorance. Please don't confuse this with
stupidity; ignorance is only the lack of knowledge. Places like ATS are important for that reason. The dissemination of information and knowledge to
everyone is a precious commodity.
The next thread would be blind faith. I am not speaking religion in particular here. I am speaking of the ability to believe what you are told,
simply because you are told that thing. People that possess this ability put us in danger of being swallowed by hidden agendas and counterproductive
Lastly is the inability to progress. These forums should be a place of progress. By using our minds we can purpose new ideas and then substantiate
them by facts. People with an inability to progress fall into one of two categories. Those that oppose new ideas in general, just because they
don't share the opinion and people that forget about the substantiating with facts part of the above sentence.
I don't pretend to think I can change any of these things on my own. Hopefully, however, with my contributions to this site, I can do my part. That
being said, I have really enjoyed the posts I have read thus far that further either my understanding or imagination. This truly is a wonderful place
and a service to all of us that care where we have been and where we are going!