posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 04:23 AM
Dream Interpretation
Ahh, this always gives me a giggle.
Ok. Reading it initially I thought it maybe the result of concern over an past event or upcoming decision, but seeing as it's been going on years
now it must be an past event.
The fact that you start off walking and slowly increase pace before breaking into an all out run could suggest that you are conciously aware of the
disquiet over this event in your waking hours. It is in the back of your mind but there is a nagging doubt - or even denied outright recognition -
that you are concerned it has not been dealt fully or sucessfully.
Being eventually caught and the dream always taking place in different places yet ending up with the same scenario is symbolic of your true
understanding that this concern must, and you are aware ultimately will, be addressed at sometime. That there is no denying the matter.
The stabbing is your reaction to facing the problem, and is a reassuring sign. The fact that the initial does not hurt yet the second does is
suggestive that facing this will not be as trauamatic as you might think. The initial thrust being the actual handling of this issue is comparatively
The second stab is indicative of the pain that you believe inevitable, your worry and concern at addressing the issue. It arrives
after the
initial confrontation and so is representative of the worry you have when you actually (have time) to dwell on the problem. But as was said, the truth
of the matter is dealing with it will be surprisingly less painlful or traumatic than you might think.
PS: Disclaimer - Err... The above is for entertainment purposes only.
[edit on 10/6/05 by JAK]