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Floating Blue Light Person - Or - Nuts?

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posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 02:46 AM
I would like to ask a question from everyone here. Let me first say that I don't beleive we are what we appear to be. Now, I don't know what we are or anything, but could it be we are blue light? *lets everyone finish laughing*

I have this vision in my head and I don't know if it is real but I have somehow felt a relationship with it, like it was real, animate. I have a feeling that it is tied to what we are...

To try and discribe it is pointless that words don't do it justice. However, I would say it was like white light in middle. Warm but bright, but didn't seem to hurt my eyes either. The white slowly difused into more and more blueish hue until it was like a neonish, but difused.....

Not sure if anyone else has any idea's or whatever this could be(other than just a figment of my imagination or some other witty retort) but on a site like this, surely this can't be that bizzare right?

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 11:05 AM
You say this is a vision "in your head". Why do you think it might be real if you admit it's in your head?

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by sensfan
You say this is a vision "in your head". Why do you think it might be real if you admit it's in your head?

It isn't that forthright. When you shut your eyes can you see your mother, or father, despite that they may have passed on already? What about a childhood pet? When you shut your eyes do you see them? Can you feel their presense sometimes? Not sure if you beleive in spirits or souls or whatever...

My mother passed away a long time ago. Sometimes, I know she is still around because I can feel her presense, it is hard to explain but I am sure someone here can explain it more than I. It is like you sense them around you, you can feel their specific presense. Now, my Mother's or what was once my Mother has a very different feeling than that of my grandfather who has also passed away, it has also very defferent feelings than pets that have gone and I have formed relationships with. Is this so hard to see?

Does this mean that it is all "in your head"? BTW, please be aware that everything is really in your head, your whole preception of reality is truly only in your head. As someone you'll maybe respect more had said "There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt about in your philosophy". I was under the impression that ATS was a place where we stretch out minds around things that may at first not sound viable? Hear about spacetime? Does that stop discussion on Aliens despite that our popular understanding of the impossibility of it?

So, with this in mind, I will ask again, does anyone know about anything/anyone that fits this explaination? I remember it giving me thoughts, and concepts to keep myself "safe" here (just before I was born), and I don't have anyreason not to trust it, but it seems that what it told me doesn't hold up to what I see around me. So, I don't know whether it is me that is missing something or has been comprimised here thus making the warnings seem to be unfounded? Or that the reason why they seem unfounded is because "it" was another spirit trying to hide the truth from us.

If anyone has any information, please send it here or u2u if you'd rather stay secret.


If anyone has any

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 12:00 PM
Passer By

You posted this in an alien/ufo forum. That means something.

I will tell you what I know from my own extensive personal experiences with many different races. Whether it applies to you, you will have to learn through your own experience.

There are 218 races visiting Earth and they are all different. They are all alive and have physical bodies made of the elements of their home worlds. (They all die at the end of their natural life spans just like we do too.)

Most races visiting and throughout the Universe are strictly of physical matter- meaning their bodies are made of matter, like ours are, and their homes are planets.

Some of the races have bodies that are made of physical light and their homes are stars. Their bodies are also a mixture of different degrees of light race to race- they are just as different from each other as the rest of us. They are people and alive as well as any race, but they are defined more accurately as intelligent energy.

If you feel strongly that you have a relationship with what you are experiencing then you probably do, and it's visiting you, so it's about you. Personal contact with alien life for humans is not random. We are related to the beings who visit us. Ten percent of alien experiencers used to be in life with their alien contacts in a previous life on their worlds. The rest of the alien experiencers are offspring of the ten percent. Our alien contacts are still alive, and they knew us then and they still know us now. They followed us here for the work we are doing between our races.

When we see something by our spirit, and not physically with our eyes, and we remember it later, what you describe is what we see in our minds. It's like a vision, but a vision might be described as more immediate, meaning we see it real time, but not with our eyes. This makes no difference to the reality of it happening.

I suggest you ask the being everything you want to know about all of this, and avoid the insanity of the human's ufo field. This is the difference between learning the truth and going as far as you can go with it, and learning just what so many people think and going nowhere.

To communicate with the being, just think of him and then talk gently to him inside of your mind.

PS Keeping yourself safe means staying alive of course, but also doing what you need to do to be in good shape body mind and spirit. Many different kinds of damage could affect your life and the kind of person you are. Like what if you were to live your life as an athlete. You would need to have a clean, strong, healthy body and mind. You would need to be organized, motivated, well-supported, happy, thinking intelligently and morally. All the things you experience and learn through your life affect how you advance every day. If you surrounded yourself with bad people or were on drugs or in jail or caught a terminal disease or didn't have a reason to care so you passed your time playing in traffic, you would not be in good shape as the athlete you were meant to be.

[edit on 6/10/2005 by EarthSister]

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister
I suggest you ask the being everything you want to know about all of this, and avoid the insanity of the human's ufo field. This is the difference between learning the truth and going as far as you can go with it, and learning just what so many people think and going nowhere.

To communicate with the being, just think of him and then talk gently to him inside of your mind.

First, you are assuming that this "light" is a being and that one can communicate with it. Second, asking some unknown being (if it is a being) is not "learning the truth". It is no different than asking some random person on the street! Just because it glows and is all "mystical" and is outside of our realm of understanding, does not mean it is honest or will tell you the truth. Why make such a foolish assumption?

An opinion is an opinion, whether it is human or not - so you're not going anywhere whether you listen to humans or aliens or blue lights. But once you have many sources of information, not just personal opinions but raw data and personal observation and own critical thought, then it is possible to begin to make sense of what may possibly be the truth. But taking some being's word for it, regardless of whether it is human or not, is very naive and will lead you astray into illusion more often than not.

For example, how do you know there are 218 races visiting the Earth at this time - or did someone tell you this and you just blindly believed? Why not 217 or 219? Why not 1000? Why not a million? Who said they are all "alive", and by that I mean, how do you define what is "alive"? By intelligence? By biological factors? What is NOT alive? What is the difference between "living tissue" and "technology", are they not one and the same when technology is high enough to manipulate matter at such a degree? How do you define a "race", and what about entities that have no physical or even visible counterpart to them, did you count them? Did you consider entities at all levels of awareness and state of existance, or only a certain limited range? What do you really KNOW about this, and what is just an assumption because some entity told you and you believed it?

And earthsister, I always meant to ask you, have you met any entities that you have understood to be "negative", and by that I mean, selfish and so deceptive, controlling, hierarchial, etc? If so, what criteria, if any, do you use to make such a judgement, to differenciate "positive" (STO) from "negative" (STS)?


posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 01:16 PM

I can't answer all of your questions to your satisfaction. I can only tell you that I learn what I know from my own experiences. I don't make it up, I don't hear it from other humans, and I am not just told it all by alien life. I don't know everything, and I don't completely understand everything I experience, I just pay close attention and learn everything I can.

I have never met any "evil" beings. I have met angry beings and selfish beings and sneaky beings, but almost all of them are humans that I know and live with around me every day. Some of the races that used to visit Earth were doing things they shouldn't do. Some stopped doing those things and the others were dismissed permanently from visiting Earth.

Don't believe it just because I say it, but from everything I experience and witness and understand myself from the alien races, all of the races visiting Earth are working together for the same effort now, and are friendly, professional and morally motivated.

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 01:40 PM
I would call them BOL's , Foo Fighters, or Chupas, and I know them to be real things!

Check My Close Encounter! in my Sig.

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister
Some of the races that used to visit Earth were doing things they shouldn't do. Some stopped doing those things and the others were dismissed permanently from visiting Earth.

And in another thread you said that the "advanced" races are "past" such things. Of course one would have to define what is "should" and "shouldn't", and who are you to judge what someone should or should not do? What happened to free will? But besides that, if they were interfering with human lives and using this planet or humans or both for their own purposes, then obviously they are SERVICE TO SELF, acting in THEIR own greedy and selfish interests, and so, despite their advances, they CHOSE the path of entropy, which is available to anyone to choose.

And whoever dismissed them from visiting Earth is just as selfish and greedy as they are, just more powerful! STO does not "dismiss" anyone from anywhere, they do not take "charge" of planets and decide that no one can come and interfere with them, they do not "control" or "punish" anyone, or judge any actions as "wrong" or "bad" or as "unwanted". Punishment, exhile, banishing someone, are all STS actions, so actions by those who seek to impose their will on others for their own selfish reasons (because there are no unselfish reasons to impose your will on someone else's).

And yet you contradict your other post.

[edit on 10-6-2005 by lilblam]

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by lilblam

Originally posted by EarthSister
Some of the races that used to visit Earth were doing things they shouldn't do. Some stopped doing those things and the others were dismissed permanently from visiting Earth.

And in another thread you said that the "advanced" races are "past" such things. Of course one would have to define what is "should" and "shouldn't", and who are you to judge what someone should or should not do? What happened to free will? But besides that, if they were interfering with human lives and using this planet or humans or both for their own purposes, then obviously they are SERVICE TO SELF, acting in THEIR own greedy and selfish interests, and so, despite their advances, they CHOSE the path of entropy, which is available to anyone to choose.

And whoever dismissed them from visiting Earth is just as selfish and greedy as they are, just more powerful! STO does not "dismiss" anyone from anywhere, they do not take "charge" of planets and decide that no one can come and interfere with them, they do not "control" or "punish" anyone, or judge any actions as "wrong" or "bad" or as "unwanted". Punishment, exhile, banishing someone, are all STS actions, so actions by those who seek to impose their will on others for their own selfish reasons (because there are no unselfish reasons to impose your will on someone else's).

And yet you contradict your other post.

[edit on 10-6-2005 by lilblam]

When you shelter someone from something are you not, from the perspective of who is being sheltered and thus unaware of what is going on, impossing your will on them? When a parent decides to impose their will on their child about drugs, violence, etc, is that a STS or STO?

From your statements I would think it is STS, but my gut says STO. Please explain.

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 02:53 PM

You will have to look again to see what you say I contradicted myself on. You seem to be stuck on your thinking that all beings are either all good or all bad, and I am just saying that is not my experience with human beings or with other races of people.

Are you following me around in three different threads to tell me the same thing over and over about STS and STO? I respect your opinion but I got it the first time, and I prefer to make up my own mind by what I experience myself, thank you.

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by Passer By
When you shelter someone from something are you not, from the perspective of who is being sheltered and thus unaware of what is going on, impossing your will on them?

The question is, despite anyone's "perspective", what is the OBJECTIVE REALITY in any given situation? Subjective perspective is irrelevant, but objective reality is all that matters, otherwise you'd be basing your decisions on subjective illusions instead of reality, and so your decisions would be null and void. So the question is, HOW are you sheltering, WHY are you sheltering, and are you truly imposing your will on theirs or not? It is not a matter of opinion, because anyone can have any opinion about anything, but there is only one objective reality. To answer this question objectively, one would have to have objective understanding of what exactly does it mean to impose your will on someone and why it is called this, and when is it NOT imposing your will? And again, it's not about "rationalizing", but about SEEing objective reality as it truly is, not as you try to make it. It is sometimes very challenging to SEE any situation as it truly is, and there will always be some manner of subjectivity involved, but in the end, the closer you can get to objective reality, the more informed and real your choices will be, and so the more you will be able to DO. So individual perspectives only matter in terms of helping us get to the "bottom" of any situation, and determine the objective reality. But they do not matter in terms of taking them on faith.

When a parent decides to impose their will on their child about drugs, violence, etc, is that a STS or STO?
From your statements I would think it is STS, but my gut says STO. Please explain.

I will attempt to answer to the best of my ability, given my current understanding, but it's always upto you to use your discernment and critical thought to decide for yourself what is more likely to be true and why.

First of all, "imposing your will" on anyone for any reason at any time is always STS. Imposing your will on someone is denying them a choice, choosing FOR them, and basically controlling them to do what YOU want them to do and act how YOU want them to act because you decide that you have authority over them. The question is though, is it possible to "shelter" your child from drugs WITHOUT imposing your will on them or anyone else in the process? Although the answer is yes, it's possible, the devil is as always in the details.

Let's assume that the parent can see the long term dangers of drugs, which include legal issues, health problems, and addiction. Kids often either don't care or don't realise the seriousness of these issues. But then again, in life, many grown people don't see the dangers and consequences of many things that they do also, but would you say it is STS or STO then for "aliens" or higher intelligences to interfere and prevent those people from doing these things? What if they let us make our own mistakes so we can experience the negatives and positives of all our actions, and thus learn and grow in knowledge and understanding of this world and ourselves as a result - would this be more STO or more STS? If you see 2 bears fighting in the woods, would it be STS to pull them apart and prevent them from fighting so that they can be "safe from harm"? Who says that "safety" is a good thing? If someone is driving drunk in his car, is it STS or STO to pull him out by force and tell him he's not allowed to drive drunk because he'll hurt himself or someone else? Is it not his choice to hurt himself through ignorance, if he so chooses? What about to hurt others? Society deems it "illegal" and "wrong" to hurt others (at least physically), but then again, when it is politically justified, mass slaughter (war) is suddenly honorable, good, and everyone is very happy about it. So if you think about it, "hurting others" is not really a problem nor is it "bad" in our society, as long as our "leaders" or the "system" itself (laws, etc) deems it "ok", then it's perfectly acceptable. Cops can taser people to death, or shoot someone if they so much as think that the person is a threat. Armies can invade and take over lands if they so much as THINK that those lands are some sort of threat. But the funny thing is, we are doing to someone else what we think they MIGHT do to us, and effectively are judging ourselves as much more important than they are, so THEY have to "go", we must live.

Here is an interesting statistic: "The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) reported in 1998 that the world's 225 richest people now have a combined wealth of $1 trillion. That's equal to the combined annual income of the world's 2.5 billion poorests people."

Is it ok for a few people to have 10 mansions each, while half of the world is starving and dying from mal-nutrition, starvation, and diseases, and cannot afford food or medical treatment, and so cannot afford survival? It sure is! Is it STS or STO to take most of their money and distribute it to those who need it most so they can live? Capitalism is practically worshipped in USA, Communism and Socialism are often seen as "evil". But other than this being a result of propaganda and conditioning over the years, does the objective reality reflect that one is better than the other? Capitalism just says that a few super rich people can be as rich as they want without limit, and whatever is left on the planet will be given to everyone else, they just weren't lucky or smart enough I guess! Which basically comes out to "whoever is the most cunning and ruthless and has the most connections and friends in high places, whoever has the least empathy for mankind and is the greediest, will have all the riches he ever wanted. Everyone else will just have to deal with what is left, because they weren't "cut out" for competition!".

I bring these issues up for a reason, because they have everything to do with your question, and with the issue of STS and STO. One core thing to understand here is, STO cannot nor will not control or manipulate or limit anyone else, and cannot decide for anyone what is "best" for him. Free will is always respected.

So going back to the problem with the kids and drugs and sheltering. I am only 21, I have never had kids, but I do know one thing. The inherent nature of ALL humans is STS (and thus entropic and mechanical as well). At this point, I do not yet know if it is even POSSIBLE to raise kids without ever punishing them, and it is my view that it is HIGHLY improbable to succeed in any "stable" manner. I've never heard of it being done, and I think it is very very unlikely that they will be able to fit into society if you do this. What does it mean? It means you cannot be entirely STO with your kids, humans are born STS and into an STS world, so SOME manner of STS technique is most likely required or else the human will simply walk all over you and everyone else (except possibly in extremely rare cases). People have a tendency to do what they want until someone imposes laws/regulations and ENFORCES them by force! What do you think would happen to the planet without laws? Chaos, and then inevitably we would band in "groups" and create our little "gangs" and hierarchies, except now we call them "countries" and "military industrial complex" and "society" in general. But if you take it all away with no rules, we will again band in hierarchies of control, with leaders on top, and followers on the bottom.

In an STS world, such as this is, the general tendency is for everyone to want to control/manipulate everyone else, and acquire as much money and power as they can while seeking physical pleasures of all sorts. And many people do not want to be responsible for their lives, they want someone to control them and make decisions for them, makes it easier. The only way to prevent total chaos is to create hierarchies, where some are "at the top" and some are "at the bottom" and the ones at the top control the ones at the bottom with "rules" , "deception", and ways to ENFORCE these rules by POWER and FORCE. There is no alternative in STS worlds, it is simply a natural result of what STS is.

STO worlds operate differently, and although at this point I cannot really say just how that is (I've never seen one!), I know that hierarchies are no longer necessary and so most likely do not exist there, because there are no "leaders" or "followers", there is no one "in charge", and no one is controlling anyone else by enforcing "rules" on them, since there is no NEED for that anymore, and the whole point of RULES is to LIMIT someone's free will, to prevent them from doing what is "socially unacceptable". So how does an STO society prevent chaos? Well, since every member of that society is STO by his very nature since birth, no one has any inherent desire to control or acquire power/wealth, but instead, seeks to help everyone in his society and outside, and to gain knowledge and understanding of himself and the universe. And thus, no "rules" or "laws" are necessary, everyone has their "place", and everyone is equally taken care of by everyone else, as everybody simply GIVES to the society and everyone else, thus balancing their energies and exponentially increasing the knowledge of everyone in the society by networking together as one.

And again, all humans are born STS. So using pure STO techniques to "bring up" a child will most likely fail miserably. However, as humans, we have a choice to move TOWARDS STO (once we grow up enough to be aware of that choice, because most people still do not know that this choice exists, that there is an objective distinction in the universe (good and evil being a subjective and very corrupted derivatives of what was originally STO and STS), we have a chance to grow enough to "graduate" to a level where we can leave this world and go to one where we fit. But since we are here, we fit here, and until we "graduate" by gaining KNOWLEDGE and choosing which "face of God" do we wish to embrace, we will stick around on this world or one very similar to it.

And the only way to graduate, is by acquiring knowledge, knowledge of yourself, and of the world around you. But by knowledge I mean objective understanding through experience, thought, research, etc. I don't mean "information", but VALIDATED information, which can be validated in many ways.

Anyways, hope this helps


posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister

You will have to look again to see what you say I contradicted myself on. You seem to be stuck on your thinking that all beings are either all good or all bad, and I am just saying that is not my experience with human beings or with other races of people.

Are you following me around in three different threads to tell me the same thing over and over about STS and STO? I respect your opinion but I got it the first time, and I prefer to make up my own mind by what I experience myself, thank you.

lol not following, just seem to be interested in the same threads you are. And I didn't say the world is "black and white" only, just that there are 2 directions in the universe, creation and entropy, and the more you grow in awareness, the greater you will lean towards one side or another. Humans at this point are born STS and entropic by default, and most die without realising that there is a choice at all. Once they learn enough to be aware of the choice, then you come one step closer to being able to graduate from this world to the next.

Here you said:

We have a lot of crime and secrets in our high positions instead. Humans can lie and sneak and do things other humans don't know about and can't find out about. Humans can be greedy and want more money and power. The advanced races are past all that already.

Here you said:

Some of the races that used to visit Earth were doing things they shouldn't do. Some stopped doing those things and the others were dismissed permanently from visiting Earth.

Yes, I admit, you were pretty vague in that last quote, because I can only guess at what you meant by "should not do". However, the problem arises that, no one can JUDGE what anyone else "should" or "should not" do. If anyone makes this judgement about anyone else, they are already STS and try to control and limit others. Or perhaps by "should not" you mean they were commiting intergalatic "crime"? Which also would contradict your statement that they are "above" it. And to prevent someone from doing what YOU personally judge they should not do means exerting FORCE and POWER on someone else because they think the other race "should not" do whatever it is that YOU decide they should or should not do. And of course, the race that they are judging may be weaker and so might not be able to fight back, and so they are "dismissed" by the stronger power. Dismissed is a nice way of saying "kicked out" by force, unless you meant "asked nicely" to leave.

Of course, now my question is, if humans were to join this intergalatic "society", what sorts of laws would suddenly be imposed on us, and would they now have the authority to tell humans what we should and should not do, and then "dismiss" us if they see us doing something they don't like? This is as service to self and controlling as it gets, so I'm not sure what you meant by them being "past" it. And don't forget abductions, that is still more evidence of extreme STS. So again, this is the contradiction that I see.

If the advanced races are "past" something, then I'm not sure I understand what it is that they are "above" from what you said, so maybe you could explain that. And also, why would they be "past" it?

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 06:32 PM

What I meant was the advanced races cannot hide things from each other like we can because of telepathy and because of the open laws of the organization between them. They also do not use money and nobody has corrupt power like we have on Earth.

The races who were dismissed from Earth either or both were taking advantage of humans as in "abductions" and had no real business being here. They were asked by our visiting organization to comply with our now completely applied standards of visitation and behavior with humans and with the other visiting races. Some complied and some did not. Those who complied were more than happy to take part in the benefits of the organization, especially the shared technologies and techniques for working with their human contacts. Some of them needed the help they could get from the further advanced races in order to comply. Those who did not comply, whether they could not or just would not, cannot visit Earth anymore. It was their own decision to act right or get out and they knew it was coming. This was not possible to control before our organization of visiting races was completed.

This is the way I understand it from the alien races. You asked. I swear, it's all right with me if you don't believe it.

There is only one organization for us to join. It's our choice to join it eventually and comply with the laws that maintain peace between us in space, or not to be allowed to travel. As it is now, we are not a race who would be allowed to travel. By travel, I mean outside of our immediate area where we would do the harm to the people and the environment out there that we do here to our own. I don't know all the laws of space, but I know that many of the things we do on Earth are not allowed.

As for having authority to dismiss anybody from visiting our planet, we needed the other races who are visiting Earth to do that for us. Our own authorities made deals with those who were using humans, including by abduction, to create hybrid races, instead of doing what was right. I don't know about you, but I consider this my world and race and I wanted it stopped. It had to be done and that's all there is to it.

posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by EarthSister

What I meant was the advanced races cannot hide things from each other like we can because of telepathy and because of the open laws of the organization between them. They also do not use money and nobody has corrupt power like we have on Earth.

I understand the no money thing, but, what differenciates "power" from "corrupt power"? And apparently they do have power if they can lay down "the law" and expect other races to just follow it!

The races who were dismissed from Earth either or both were taking advantage of humans as in "abductions" and had no real business being here.

They did have real business. Their real business was abducting humans and taking advantage of us! I think that is as "real" as any business anyone else might come up with. Who has the authority to judge what is real business and what is not, and what should be allowed and what should not? Who is arrogant enough to decide that they will be "in charge" whether the other races (the ones doing abductions) like it or not? That's pretty selfish and arrogant if you ask me. Just because you are more powerful does not give you the right to "lay down the law" and make everybody else obey. Well, yes you ahve that right, but it just makes you selfish and controlling.

They were asked by our visiting organization to comply with our now completely applied standards of visitation and behavior with humans and with the other visiting races.

Hey, if I go to the store every day and suddenly some gang shows up and tells me that I have to pay them $10 every time I wanna visit the store, who the hell are they to impose anything on me? And they say if I don't pay, they will not allow me to go to the store anymore. What gives? The excuse the gang gives is, "these are now completely applied standards of visitation to the store and behavior!". And I will ask "obviously if I am not applying them they are not "completely applied" you turds!". That is the part where they impose their will on mine, because they are bigger and stronger and they think that this gives them the right to tell me, the weaker little guy, what to do. Puh-lease! All it is is just "I am stronger so you listen to what I say or else" game, which is exactly what STS is all about.

Some complied and some did not.

FREE WILL! Oh wait, your "conglamorate of races" does not care about that so much...

Those who complied were more than happy to take part in the benefits of the organization, especially the shared technologies and techniques for working with their human contacts. Some of them needed the help they could get from the further advanced races in order to comply. Those who did not comply, whether they could not or just would not, cannot visit Earth anymore.

What? You mean the bigger tougher guys moved into the neighborhood and imposed their will on the little guys who used to run the place? Darn, that's how mafia works. That's how ruthless warlords on earth operate. Say it ain't so!! Not space mafia!!!. But seriously, that is all they are, just selfish bullies who think "might makes right". Apparently you agree with their philosophy.

It was their own decision to act right or get out and they knew it was coming. This was not possible to control before our organization of visiting races was completed.

So the bigger guys come and tell the little guys "act RIGHT, meaing, do what we SAY, or get the f* out!". And this is free will for ya! God I hope humanity never joins the authoritative and controlling bunch of space pirates that you are supposedly in contact with. If so, count me out. Oh wait, they won't give me that choice, they don't give choices to races or people, they just impose their will on the race and say "do as we command, or else!". Gotta love space pirates!

This is the way I understand it from the alien races. You asked. I swear, it's all right with me if you don't believe it.

It's not so much that I don't believe you, it's just that you are trying to justify what is obviously pure service to self, in other words, "controlling others through power".

There is only one organization for us to join.

Oooh now we're getting hot. Join us or be exhiled to your little corner of space until you do! You have no other alternative puny humans! We are the "big boss" around these parts, so you better get with the program or you ain't goin nowhere!

It's our choice to join it eventually and comply with the laws that maintain peace between us in space, or not to be allowed to travel.

Laws are only needed in service to self societies where the members of these races and societies cannot control their selfish and chaotic urges, and if it was not for enforcement of laws that keep them in line, they would cause all sorts of chaos all over the place, since it is in their nature (unless they are FORCED to comply under threat of punishment, hence LAWS). That is how our human society works. Laws do not maintain peace by themselves - if someone wants to wage war, laws cannot stop it. Laws can at the very best say "don't wage war cuz its against the law" but that's about it - a law does not prevent war, or a revolution, or any bloody conflict for that matter, if a group of people decide to cause some havoc.

I have no interest in following their laws, because I do not belong to them, this sector of space does not belong to them (nor to us, space does not belong to anyone!) so they cannot just come in and force us to comply or else, and their laws mean nothing to me because I am not nor ever will be part of their self-serving hierarchial society which is based on control and dominion of those who are weaker, which from your own description is not unlike the mafia or the military industrial complex that we have here. And if they try to "control" me, I will not comply. But I will not fight them, if they wish to have this planet and claim it as "theirs" and so they can lay down the law and decide who can visit, who can leave, etc, then that is fine - I will not be here, I'll go to a STO planet where no such laws exist, where everyone acts in the best interest of everyone else, and where no one is "exhiled" or "punished" or "threatened" or "told to obey" some laws or else. STS ain't for me baby

As it is now, we are not a race who would be allowed to travel. By travel, I mean outside of our immediate area where we would do the harm to the people and the environment out there that we do here to our own. I don't know all the laws of space, but I know that many of the things we do on Earth are not allowed.

Again, who are THEY to give orders and decide what is "allowed" in the universe and what is not?

As for having authority to dismiss anybody from visiting our planet, we needed the other races who are visiting Earth to do that for us.

Says who? I don't like to be anally probed any more than the next guy/gal, but even those evil STS guys who abduct others have free will to do this, it is only natural after all. We eat and abduct animals from their natural habitats all the time, so why should we not expect to someone of higher level to be able to do the same to us? Do our cows and chickens need someone to come in and kick humans out or prevent them from doing what they please with their animals? And who do you think is sticking up for the animals? After all, we cut down forests, we do absolutely anything we want since we have full dominion over all animals - given our power and intelligence. We think it is ok. Who is arrogant enough to tell us that it's suddenly NOT ok?

By the same manner, who is arrogant enough to tell some race that abducting humans is "wrong" and that they will be prevented from doing it? Who appointed themselves as the "judge" and the "enforcer" of whatever rules they decide should be enforced? Oh yes, those pesky STS guys...

Our own authorities made deals with those who were using humans, including by abduction, to create hybrid races, instead of doing what was right.

But "right" is subjective. In the universe, EVERYTHING is right! To judge something as "bad" or "wrong" is ignorant, it is always subjective and so a lie. What is right to one person or being can be seen as wrong by another, and so is completely subjective!

I don't know about you, but I consider this my world and race and I wanted it stopped. It had to be done and that's all there is to it.

Yes this is precisely the attitude of STS - it HAD to be done and that's all there is to it. You can do nothing about it, you have no say in the matter, and since we are stronger than you are, we get to do what we want with those who are weaker, which includes imposing OUR laws on THEM whether they like it or not. And if you don't like it, tough!

All that you described is so typically STS (and all that this implies), that I am not sure why you do not see it. Actually, I have an idea, you think STS and STS are only "human concepts" and so do not apply in a universal sense. Fine, but I disagree, I think they are very much universal and objective concepts which exist universally on all levels, and not only that, the existance of this duality is the reason for the existance of the illusion known as "the universe" itself, it is the illusion of separation, of limitation.


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