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"The Ancients"

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posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 06:17 PM
How do we accept what we know?

In order to know my name is Andrew, I accept it BY knowing. I know there are ufo's I accept the fact.

What do you mean accept it? How?

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 06:42 PM
What rings true with you or your own inner knowing of what is truth."We all have the answers built in us we just have to unlock it by freeing our awareness"Some of our emotional baggage released might just do the trick.If we accept our faults and take responsibility for our actions.By freeing this emotional bondage we can accept truth into our heart.We will automaticaly know what is what and what isn't what.We will claim our knowledge.Some people know things because they are connected to the source.Some know things because they are connected with the world as a whole.We must claim what we know.A lot of this emotional bondage might be a carry over from a past life that will unlock us.

[edit on 24-8-2005 by menguard]

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 12:52 AM
Hmm, what we ourselves find true? But isn't truth, well, what "really happened"?

So you're saying if we believe something, and think it's true (even if it's not), we'll accept it?

I'm confused by what you ment:

What rings true with you or your own inner knowing of what is truth."We all have the answers built in us we just have to unlock it by freeing our awareness"

Our inner knowing? Is this what we find true? Or what lies inside of the source?

Because, personally I find this true: Hitler was a genius.

Sure his intentions were cruel, but never the less I truly believe he was a genius.

What I feel you're trying to say is,
If you know something, you'll tell about it, but if you accept it, you'll stand up for it?

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by menguard
What rings true with you or your own inner knowing of what is truth."We all have the answers built in us we just have to unlock it by freeing our awareness"Some of our emotional baggage released might just do the trick.If we accept our faults and take responsibility for our actions.By freeing this emotional bondage we can accept truth into our heart.We will automaticaly know what is what and what isn't what.We will claim our knowledge.Some people know things because they are connected to the source.Some know things because they are connected with the world as a whole.We must claim what we know.A lot of this emotional bondage might be a carry over from a past life that will unlock us.

[edit on 24-8-2005 by menguard]

Fact is absolute. Truth is fact incorporated with emotional and personal attachments. Reason is interpretation of facts free from emotional and personal appeal.

Who were you in your past life?

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 01:32 AM
Wait, interpertation and reason isn't the same thing.

Because I have a special reason of doing something, doesn't mean I interpert it any different way from anyone else. That's an inane statement for me to even say.

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 07:00 PM
I was a Lieutenant/captain in The Civil War era and I fought for the South my name was Lou-shus.

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 12:37 AM
That's quite interesting, how does one go about finding their past identity. I can't imagine who I was, hopefully no one that ever did much wrong.

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 01:34 AM
I think I was some sort of scientist. Because I'm always fascinated with all forms of science.

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 10:09 PM
One can do this by visiting their own soul chart.Or one might start having cross overs of a past life that bleeds through and have it through dreaming.Past life traumas can trigger them.

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 12:04 AM
Two questions....

1."What is ones own soul chart?"

2. I will tell you straight up I have a hard time believing any of this. But I try to be of an open mind. Explain if you will the exact process you went thru to meet these peoples and is this open to anyone or but a select few?

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 12:39 AM
Don't have an open mind. Don't have a close mind. Have a filtered mind. If you're having to try to have an open mind, then you won't contact them. Only those in which are in a progressed state in thier spiritual evolution will be contacted. But that's my assumption.

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by Vinci
Don't have an open mind. Don't have a close mind. Have a filtered mind. If you're having to try to have an open mind, then you won't contact them. Only those in which are in a progressed state in thier spiritual evolution will be contacted. But that's my assumption.

That makes no sense. Have a filtered mind? What is it filtered for? Theory sugggest an open mind would be a more attainable avenue for contact. IE: less likely to write it off as something other then what it is. Why must it be a spiritual evolution? Why not physical or mental?

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 01:55 AM
Because no matter how we physically evolute, (I don't believe in evolution) how would that at all help our understanding of life? Or our thought process? Mental evolution, that just means we have more space for garbage in our heads.

I'm going to assume you know a good deal about computers, so let's look at it like this.

Would you rather have a closed, open, or filtered port? Closed port - nothing comes in, open- anything/one can come in, filtered - you get to chose what comes in.

I don't know about you, but I don't want the government and/or anyone else controling what I think. So I'll choose a filtered mind, thank you very much.

And so spiritual evolution will kick in then, when we know what is true, what's not and when we accept what we know.

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 05:17 PM

Read the whole thread this will most likely answer a queston that has already been presented.And after that if not, I will be more than happy to oblige you.

Your soul chart is pretty much the lives you have lived up to this day.You can access your lives in the living library/akashic library.

[edit on 28-8-2005 by menguard]

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by menguard


Read the whole thread this will most likely answer a queston that has already been presented.And after that if not, I will be more than happy to oblige you.

Your soul chart is pretty much the lives you have lived up to this day.You can access your lives in the living library/akashic library.

[edit on 28-8-2005 by menguard]

I read the thread in its entirety and I can say I really don't follow it. If you care to explain it to me that would be great.

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 10:06 PM

What part do you not understand and I will answer it ?This will probably be easier to understand?The Ancients are a (interdimensional race) that seem to fluctuate in between layers of reality.Or fluctuate in between frequencies/vibrations.These beings have been here before we even made our soul travels to Earth.They are known as Reptoids,Reptiloids,Nagas,Emnascioes,Ensomas,Orions and Rigaelians.No matter what you want to call them out of those names.They are here like we are here.They serve a purpose,a higher purpose for us humans to claim our rights as multi dimensional beings and align with other states of being in our worlds of worlds.Energy is always in constant motion even when standing still.We have to accept the responsibility of being here at this time.For your only as strong as your weakest link.Not saying weak but I like to think we are the missing link.We are the link that will connect others.There are beings out there that are advancing through other angles of existance.To advance, other states of consciousness must shift also to move forward.Our future selves advanced to a point but are stuck because of directions on where we took our present.I do not know how this came to be just know it.The Ancients decided to strike a deal to move forward our cosmic evolution.What affects us down here affects them up there.This is like a domino affect.There are so many layers of reality happening at once that realities get overlapped.Our future selves can guide us along the way to shift our consciousness.We are connected very much so to many beings out there.The reason an advance race connects with other existance is to ensure its success.We are the babies that are interconnected.

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 10:16 PM
So these beings are not of a physical substance but an energy substance. And they figure in with the greys correct? Please explain the soul chart and how one finds this. Suppose I wanted to know how would I go about doing it? Also could I talk to these beings or is it a select few. and branching off of this slightly how are you so sure they are who they say they are? I'm sure you have heard of familiar spirits? How can you be certain this isnt such a case?

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 10:32 PM
No, they are of a physical composite just in their layer of reality.But when we align with that vibration/frequency they become as real as we do.The third dimension reality is that of a low vibration,an illusion because it so dense compared to the lighter vibrations/frequencies.Its real just in its vibrational field.It just depends what field of vibrations you are in.

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 12:23 PM
Nothing in our world of worlds is set in stone.With shifts of consciousness are shifts of realities.Truths are set in a given vibration/frequency.Each (layer) has its own "truth".Our truths, change with our vibrations.The unknown will become known and the known will become unknown.When every cell becomes aware of itself how much will we know.Are bodies house knowledge of different layers of realites.We align with that layer of reality and we house its truths.The more (light) that the body is capable of (holding) the more truths it unlocks, due to the cells that are activated.Our dna is encoded with light that accesses recessed genes.These genes help access our ancient past.Our ancient past is imprinted in our dna, along with everything up to this date.Everything that is written will be rewritten in that context of being.Our truths, are written only to be rewritten and refined, like the world around us.We are the writers that seed our reality.Where will our next plot take on?;do we want to encounter a new plot or and old one.Let us move forward to our cosmic selves.

[edit on 30-8-2005 by menguard]

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by menguard
Nothing in our world of worlds is set in stone.With shifts of consciousness are shifts of realities.Truths are set in a given vibration/frequency.Each (layer) has its own "truth".Our truths, change with our vibrations.The unknown will become known and the known will become unknown.When every cell becomes aware of itself how much will we know.Are bodies house knowledge of different layers of realites.We align with that layer of reality and we house its truths.The more (light) that the body is capable of (holding) the more truths it unlocks, due to the cells that are activated.Our dna is encoded with light that accesses recessed genes.These genes help access our ancient past.Our ancient past is imprinted in our dna, along with everything up to this date.Everything that is written will be rewritten in that context of being.Our truths, are written only to be rewritten and refined, like the world around us.We are the writers that seed our reality.Where will our next plot take on?;do we want to encounter a new plot or and old one.Let us move forward to our cosmic selves.

[edit on 30-8-2005 by menguard]

So I'm going to interpert it this way:

Life is a layout, my action causes a reaction by something/someone, which results in a choice, followed by my action again. And you're saying it's all planned, but we have free will to take more than one path in life. BUT these paths have a begining and end, there's nothing new. What we have to do is spiritually evolve to make a new path for ourselves which people only of our intelligence can follow because people who lack intelligence won't have an opportunity to see it.

I believe that we all have a destiny, but it's not a template. We can modify our destiny if we try, you can't say we don't have a predetermined path in life, because a person born in Niger won't have the same education, life even as a person (such as myself) who's living in California. The opportunities are limited at birth, the person in Niger most likley wont be a cancer cure. Sorry to say.

Who get's to decide our life? We do, along with God. And partly our parents, because they could of had an abortion or dumped you for adoption, etc.

You have a choice, you always have a choice. And there's always more than one. If there seems to only be one choice, you're wrong. Your subconcious just frankley refuses to face the consenquence. Even if you're in a metal solid locked box. You have a choice. You can either rest, or bang your head into the wall hard enough to kill yourself.

Every action you do has a reaction, or a result. Thus, it's an action. Action comes after choice. You first have to see the opportunity, take it, interpret the situation, by doing so you see more opportunities, and thus you have a choice. Only after you make that choice you commit an action which requires a reaction, result, etc. Prior to making an action, your subconcious chooses to acknowledge certain situations. Often based on your opinions of views on life. (And of course, your mood, personality, etc.) But then, your choices are also all based on these. But mostly experience.

My question, is why don't we keep the experience we've had in the past life?

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