Indeed, chapter 5 is the one most pertinant to this apparently, titled "Freemasonry in relation to the ancient mysteries"
The author notes that
'any student of masonic literature and comparative religion [is struck by] the remarkable pressence of common factors [...] in the religions
of all races alike"
Which, of course is true, anyone looking into religion in a comparative way notices that there are incredible similarities between them.
However, a person that seriously studies the issue has to eventually reject the idea that all the similarities are simply the result of there
being 'one religion' that has spread across the entire planet, being edited and modified into local varieities in various localities. The author of
this book apparently accepts that idea, however he is in error in doing so, in so far as it being an actual, lineal, physical religion-culture passed
on and that diffused throuhgout the world.
The author continues noting that
"Masonic treatsies abound with demonstrations of this uniformity in the use of various symbols prominent in every Lodge. Authors delight in
supplying evidence of the close correspondence in various unrelated systems and in demonstrating how ancient and universal such and such ideas,
symbols and practices have been"
And notice the clear statement that these systems are unrelated! Has klevermonsad actually read and understood this book? Is his/her relucatnce to
cite the evidence from the book simply because the book does not state what he/she is stating?
The author notes that the reason there are similarities between all religions, not simply the mystery religions and masonry, is because
"at one time, long back in the world's past, there existed or was implanted in the minds of the whole human family [...] a Proto-Evangelium or
Root-Doctrine in regard to the nature and destiny of the soul of man and its relation to Deity"
he continues, in a vein I think most posters here would find resonates with their own thoughts:
"We assume that our ancestors lived in moral benightedness out of which we have since gradually emgerged into comparative light. All the
evidence, however, negates these suppositions. It indicates that primitive man, however childish and intellectually undeveloped according to modern
standards, was spiritually conscious and physically perceptive to a degree undreamed of by the modern mind".
And more pertinently to our topic here, he states, after first citing the knowledge imparted adam in the garden by the lord,
"Whence could come that skill and scientific knowledge if not from the Divine and now invisible world, from those "gods" and angelic
guardians of the erring race of whom all the ancient traditions and sacred writtings tell? Would not that regenerative method be properly described if
it were called, as in Masonry it is called, a "heavenly science", and welcomed in the words that Masons in fact use, "Hail Royal Art!" Thus,
then, was the origin and birth of religion.
I mean, this man is
not saying, at least in so far as I understand in my quick reading of this small portion, that masonry
is the old
mystery religions of the ancient world, that they have survived, in secret, for nearly two thousand years only to have finally re-emeged, in the
Masonic Revival, under the guise of a men's club. He is noting that there is a 'universal religion', that is beyond the normal world, and that the
ancient pagan religions are part of the various attempts by man to 'get at' the real religion, which, as far as anyone knows, is christianity
itself. Indeed, in the bible, judaism was really only open to jews, they didn't send evangelicals to china and britain, so of course the rest of
mankind had to have
something, and that something needn't necessarily be entirely based on fallacy and satanic deception, indeed, why can't
some of it have been getting at the divine influence,
especially, (imporantantly here for accustaions of not being christian) if man is
descended from adam, who left the garden, and noah, who lived in the darkness of the ark only to re-emerge into the world atop a veritable mountain.
If those old testament stories are true,
then it would make sense that these pagan religions would be 'corruptions' of the adamic
religion, and that masonry is very well justified in having similarity of symbology with all the worlds religions (including christianity itself
anyway). And this is all confirmed ever more by this passage:
We must now speak more fully of the Mysteries and the "Royal Art" as pursued by the Greek School. With the Greeks it took the form of a
quest of philosophy
So all the author is saying is that Masonry can be thought of as yet another extention of man's attempt to understand the world he is in and to draw
wisdom's and lessons from it, not that its secret worship of Isis or Bacchus or the Sun or Baal or anything else.