posted on Jun, 8 2005 @ 09:17 PM
I have family friends who live up around Huntington in Pennsylvania. When i say near huntington, i mean around 15 miles away from Huntington and about
5 miles from the nearest town, which is a small town called Waterstreet. They live on a mountain and they own around 125 acres. Around 1 1/2 years
ago, i was riding ATVs with their two sons, lets call them M and C. We drove around the whole property and about 75 acres from the house we came upon
this humoungous iron hatch thing. It was at least 5 feet in diameter. It was rounded like a half-sphere and had one of those circle things they have
on airtight doors, like the circle with the spokes in it. It was on top of this plateau thing and we stopped to look at it. We had no idea what it
was. C suggested it was a septic tank, but the fact that it was 50 acres from the house ruled that possibilty out. We diceded to open it up. Now this
hatch must of weighed around 300 ppunds seeing how it took all three of us to lift (M and C are both 22 and im 18). i was surprised it wasnt rusted
since it was out in the open. but we finally got it open. We looked down and all we saw was a ladder that went down into the dark. M had one of those
super powerful flashlights with him and shined it down. All we saw was more ladder. I dropped a rock down their and i barely heard it hit, which i
guessed took about 10-15 before it hit what was ever down their. We closed the hatch and rode back only telling my dad and their dad. The weirderst
thing is that we went back about 3 months ago and the grate was gone. I mean totally was nowhere to be found. I found this to be impossible
seeing how it was so huge. No animal could of taken that off. What do you guys think it is? My dads friend bought the land around 1973 and has lived
their ever since. My guess is that its proably a bomb or a fall out shelter from around the time of the Cuban Missle Crisis, but im not sure