Originally posted by Kleversdad
......... I will listen to an objective view of the fact by anyone be them Christian or not. I have studied all religions extensivly searching for
truth ............. I want NON Biased scientific proof or anything close to it other than the bible. thank you
god is a word we can disregard then, since it means a variety of things to a variety of opinionated people.
we'll replace the label "god" with what it is you are looking for "truth"
let us assume that "truth" was there in the beginning.
truth probably didn't want to be alone.
truth also needed to acknowledge it's own existance in some way.
perhaps truth created love with just a thought, because in order for truth to be eternal it would require that "truth" be constantly loving
so now "truth" knows in order for "truth" to exist forever it must be in a state of mind of "truth loves truth", for if truth did not love
itself ..... ?
so now we have love
love needs it's polar opposite to have a purpose to exist
love's polar opposite: fear
fear recognized love
love needs to love fear in order to have a purpose to exist
but, fear's father could not recognize fear
fear was incomprehensable to truth
truth fearing truth?
so fear hated truth
truth couldn't comprehend hate either
fear and hate created even more emotions to combat truth, because fearing truth and hating truth were just not enough to be recognized by truth who
could not comprehend them.
truth hating truth?
truth only knows it cannot be seperated from itself.
seperating truth?
seperating fact?
truth will always be truth, if truth loves truth
truth needs love
love needs fear
love needs to love fear because love needs a purpose aside from being stuck in the middle of truth, which can't be seperated from itself in the first
love learned to fear hate
love came to battle fear and hate and all other negative emotions
love got twisted into lust and other mixtures of things unrecognizable to truth
truth looked at all truth created with a thought of love and saw:
love loves fear, but is not alone
fear fears love, but is not alone
fear loves love, but is not alone
love fears fear, but is not alone
love hates fear, but is not alone
fear hates love, but is not alone
hate hates love, and wants fear for hate's sake to exist
the square dance continued and truth saw none of them were alone, but they were all lost.
truth noticed truth was alone
truth saw that fear and hate and all they create are too much for love to handle
truth knows the truth is love is needed to correct the whole of what hate has created using fear as it's tool and lapdog
truth knows that only truth loving fear can dissolve fear and revoke hate's only tool strong enough to make love less than love is
fear cannot be permitted to turn to anger and contempt
truth loving truth loving fear loving truth
3 emotions, 7 states of existance in 1 state of mind
no offending
no sin
no hate
no judgement
no negativity